medium level GD topics

  1. Quota for locals in private jobs
  2. India’s wedding industry
  3. Impact of E-commerce on traditional retail business
  4. Sustainable transport
  5. Benefits of AI in Education
  6. Mental health in the Digital age
  7. Cyber spying
  8. Sustainable business
  9. Restriction on Paytm Payment Bank
  10. Future of Virtual Reality (VR) in Everyday Life
  11. Food Security
  12. Iran-Pakistan conflict 2024
  13. AI Bots
  14. XPoSat
  15. Storytelling in Marketing
  16. Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
  17. COP-28
  18. Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)
  19. Why does India lag behind in football?
  20. Declining World Population
  21. Role of Microfinance in India’s Economic Growth
  22. Digital Twin
  23. 70 hour work week – Pros & Cons
  24. National Quantum Mission
  25. Asteroid Bennu sample – OSIRIS-REx
  26. The Growing Threat of Digital Payment Frauds
  27. Social Security Net
  28. Global Biofuels Alliance
  29. Israel-Hamas war
  30. Ethanol Blended Petrol
  31. Board Exam Twice a Year
  32. The Five Eyes
  33. ISRO’s Aditya L1 Mission
  34. Deglobalization
  35. WorldCoin
  36. Russia’s Lunar 25 Mission Failure
  37. Titan submersible implosion
  38. A Ship in the Harbour is Safe, but That is Not What a Ship is for
  39. Restrictions on the import of laptops, tablets, and servers
  40. India’s rice export ban
  41. The Edtech bubble has burst
  42. Clean Tech
  43. Energy Transition
  44. Will Threads kill Twitter?
  45. India-UAE relations
  46. Green Growth
  47. Adventure Tourism
  48. 3D printing
  49. One person can make a difference
  50. Medical Tourism
  51. Sustainable Development Goals
  52. The Future of Banking in India
  53. Economic survey 2022-23
  54. Rise of Protectionism
  55. Effects of income inequality and poverty on society
  56. Rising heat waves
  57. Effect of ChatGPT on Journalism
  58. ChatGPT 4 vs Google Bard
  59. Biohacking
  60. G7
  61. The gender unemployment gap in India
  62. Reusable Launch Vehicle
  63. Thorium for clean unlimited enegry
  64. GST (Goods and Services Tax)
  65. EV Adaption in India
  66. India-Japan Relations
  67. Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse
  68. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence & Automation
  69. El Niño
  70. How will 2022 shape 2023?
  71. The changing landscape of education
  72. Pakistan’s Economic Crisis
  73. Use of technology in agriculture
  74. Necklace of Diamonds strategy
  75. Growth of service sector in India
  76. The rise of Generative AI
  77. The Significance of newly found Lithium Deposits in India
  78. Deepfakes – Pros & Challenges
  79. Blue Economy
  80. Voice of the Global South summit
  81. BharOS
  82. Caller Name Presentation (CNAP)
  83. India-Bangladesh relations
  84. ChatGPT
  85. Cyber Warfare
  86. Inclusive Growth
  87. 4-day work week – Pros & Challenges
  88. Nuclear fusion energy
  89. COP 27
  90. The Future of Twitter
  91. India’s semiconductor industry
  92. Space tourism
  93. India’s Tourism Industry Post-Covid
  94. China’s economic slowdown
  95. Fair Digital Finance
  96. India as the world’s 5th largest economy
  97. Moonlighting
  98. Neo-banks vs Traditional banks
  99. 5G in India
  100. Creator economy
  101. India’s income inequality
  102. India as a developed country by 2047
  103. India @ 75
  104. Inflation
  105. Inclusive workplace
  106. Green economy
  107. Who is to blame for drug usage among youngsters?
  108. Time poverty
  109. Hydrogen vehicles – Pros & Cons
  110. Rolling stone gathers no moss
  111. War crimes
  112. The Future of Travel
  113. Is equality a myth?
  114. Future of the Internet
  115. Space debris
  116. If aliens land on earth
  117. No one wins in a war
  118. Should NEET be banned?
  119. Straight roads do not make skillful drivers
  120. Unicorn
  121. Greenwashing
  122. Are influencers really influencing?
  123. Covid third wave in India
  124. Web 3.0
  125. Should COVID-19 vaccination be made mandatory?
  126. Alternative work arrangements
  127. Role of media in society
  128. Linking Aadhaar card with Voter ID – Pros & Cons
  129. Raising the age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years – Pros & Cons
  130. Parker Solar Probe
  131. Omicron
  132. What will happen if one rupee becomes equal to one dollar?
  133. Should people invest in cryptocurrency?
  134. Gender in politics
  135. Ignorance is bliss
  136. Importance of psychological counselling in educational institutions
  137. Think globally Act locally
  138. Drone technology – Pros & Cons
  139. One sun, one world, one grid
  140. The Great Resignation
  141. Manipulative marketing
  142. Digital privacy
  143. How to improve the standard of sports in India
  144. Caste census – Pros & Cons
  145. Use of technology in social movements
  146. Impact of globalization on education
  147. Is Technology headed in the right direction?
  148. No two generations can see eye to eye
  149. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health
  150. Net Zero
  151. The importance of netiquette in the digital age
  152. Biomedical waste crisis
  153. Impact of COVID-19 on Indian economy
  154. India’s COVID-19 vaccination program
  155. How can we prevent the next pandemic?
  156. Impact of COVID pandemic on education
  157. The Future of work
  158. Impact of reviews on consumer decisions
  159. Carbon footprint
  160. Good politics is bad economics
  161. Is social media polarising society?
  162. Gig economy
  163. Green Jobs are essential for sustainable development
  164. National Education Policy 2020
  165. National Health ID – Pros, Cons & Challenges
  166. How to create more jobs in rural areas?
  167. Private trains in India – Benefits & Challenges
  168. Ban on Chinese Apps in India
  169. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
  170. Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on Environment
  171. Impact of COVID-19 on Global economy
  172. Controversy as a marketing strategy
  173. Crisis in the Automobile Industry
  174. Disaster Management in India
  175. Zero Budget Natural Farming
  176. How can India become a superpower?
  177. Syrian crisis
  178. Referendums strengthen democracy
  179. Circular economy is the key to sustainable development
  180. India – Russia relations
  181. Electric vehicles in India
  182. Should political parties be brought under RTI Act?
  183. Changing relation between India and Bangladesh
  184. Factors that contributed to the growth of MNCs
  185. ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy
  186. Does “NOTA” option in elections really make sense?
  187. Are corporate jobs a new form of slavery?
  188. Let’s Discuss – Day 19 | Participate in the Group Discussion
  189. Consumerism and Middle class
  190. How can the standard of people below the poverty line be raised?
  191. Facebook vs LinkedIn
  192. Higher Education in India
  193. Nationalism vs Regionalism
  194. Placement scenario in India
  195. Should Non-IT students be allowed for IT jobs?
  196. Does India need ‘National Commission for Men’?
  197. Can Artificial intelligence replace Human intelligence?
  198. Criminalization of politics
  199. The world does not need religion
  200. Status of women in India
  201. Gender Equality in the workplace
  202. Knowledge based economy is important to achieve the economic boom of India
  203. India-US relations
  204. Is the concept of non-violence still applicable?
  205. Corporate Social Responsibility – Charity or Marketing gimmick?
  206. Are Leaders born or made?
  207. Millennial Voters – Can they decide the future of India?
  208. Youth empowerment is necessary for any country’s development. According to you what should India focus on, for Youth empowerment?
  209. India – Pakistan relations
  210. Let’s Discuss – Day 12 | Participate in the Group Discussion
  211. Coalition politics in India
  212. Should artistic expression be monitored by law?
  213. Let’s Discuss – Day 9 | Participate in the Group Discussion
  214. India-China relations
  215. Black or Grey – Abstract GD Topic
  216. Roots & wings – Abstract GD topic
  217. Plastic Money – Advantages & Disadvantages
  218. Walls are dead – Abstract GD Topic
  219. Famous or Important – Abstract GD Topic
  220. Might is always right
  221. Impact of Technology on jobs
  222. Unemployment Allowance – Pros & Cons
  223. Should adultery be criminalized?
  224. Markets are found not created
  225. Pink – Abstract GD Topic
  226. Success – GD Topic
  227. Plastic Pollution
  228. Freedom is a myth
  229. Do brands rule our lives?
  230. Can ‘Death penalty’ deter child rapes?
  231. Portrayal of women in Indian cinema
  232. Door – Abstract GD Topic
  233. Will artificial intelligence take away jobs?
  234. Should the rich and wealthy in India be taxed more?
  235. Impact of Brexit on Indian Economy
  236. Light pollution – A new threat
  237. Zero – Abstract GD Topic
  238. Despite a large population, India lacks knowledge power
  239. Dot – Abstract GD Topic
  240. Use of Renewable energy in India
  241. Does Nepotism exist in Bollywood?
  242. Do small companies have more harmony?
  243. Job vs Entrepreneurship
  244. Rise of Patanjali – Marketing lessons to learn
  245. Indiscriminate Tourism will lead to environmental damage
  246. MBAs do not make good business leaders
  247. Red – Abstract GD Topic
  248. Cauvery River Dispute
  249. Money spent on space exploration can be better used on reducing poverty on earth
  250. Trial by Media – Pros and Cons
  251. How can tourism be improved?
  252. Is Technology creating income inequalities?
  253. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – a success?
  254. Role of engineers in disaster management
  255. Is MBA a rat race?
  256. US-Mexico border wall – Good or Bad?
  257. Climate Change – What can we do about it?
  258. Artificial intelligence (AI) – Pros & Cons
  259. NEET – Pros & Cons
  260. Make in India
  261. Drug menace – How to fight with it?
  262. How to tackle Naxalism?
  263. Digital India
  264. Why are many startups failing in India?
  265. Why is India unhappy? – World Happiness Report
  266. Farmer Suicides in India – What needs to be done?
  267. Tightening H-1B visa rules – Is it Fair?
  268. Are Men silent sufferers in this modern world?
  269. Is Nationalism taking over Globalism?
  270. How can we deal with increasing Cyber Crimes?
  271. Can India turn ‘Brain Drain’ into ‘Brain Gain’?
  272. Indian Business Schools – Are they really effective?
  273. Technology changing the face of education
  274. Unique identification number for every Indian
  275. Should Homeschooling be encouraged in India?
  276. Is India prepared enough to handle cyber attacks?
  277. Should Chinese products be banned in India?
  278. Should Environment polluters be severely punished?
  279. Student Suicides – What are the deep rooted problems?
  280. How can we stop ‘Honor Killings’?
  281. Parliamentary System vs Presidential System
  282. Should India be given a permanent seat in UNSC?
  283. Is hosting Olympics good for the host country?
  284. How can slums be improved?
  285. Do business and ethics go hand in hand?
  286. Aadhaar Act
  287. Specialization vs Generalization
  288. Smart Cities Mission – Benefits & Challenges
  289. Net neutrality
  290. Should death penalty be abolished?
  291. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act
  292. Demographic Dividend in India
  293. Depreciation of Indian Rupee
  294. Present Education System in India
  295. How to deal with international terrorism?
  296. Is China a threat to Indian software industry?
  297. Private Educational Institutions – Good or Bad?
  298. Is WikiLeaks a bane or a boon?
  299. Do we need a fresh Reorganization of states?
  300. Balance between Profession and Family

Your Turn…

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Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

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