Points to speak on ‘Rolling stone gathers no moss’:

  • This is an old proverb. The literal meaning of this proverb is ‘moss doesn’t grow on a stone which is always on the move’. Mosses are very small plants that usually grow in wet areas.
  • The proverb’s meaning is – the person who does not stay in one place cannot form long-term relationships, wealth etc.
  • Although the old proverb is in a negative sense, the modern versions of the proverb modified it into a positive sense. One of the modern versions is – A rolling stone that gathers no moss, but it gains a certain polish. It means that a person who does not settle down in mediocre life, learns new things, archives success and will always be creative.
  • Moreover, in the present times, there is no need to stay in one place permanently to establish long-term relationships.
  • It can also be applied to politicians. A few politicians change parties frequently. They rarely get loyal followers.
  • It can also be applied to friendships. People who stick to their friends can establish long-term relationships, whereas people who change friends frequently can rarely form true friendships.
  • Many people change careers. But a few people change careers frequently, which can make them a jack of all trades and master of none.
  • A person who is in one business for a long time can become perfect in that business, unlike people who always switch businesses.


‘Rolling stone gathers no moss’ means the person who does not stay in one place cannot form long-term relationships, wealth etc. One of the modern versions is – A rolling stone that gathers no moss, but it gains a certain polish, which means that a person who does not settle down in mediocre life, learns new things, archives success and will always be creative.

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Photo by Pixabay

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