Role of media in society:

  • Media refers to channels of communication that deliver information to the public. Newspapers, Television, Digital media, Radio are different types of media.
  • Media is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy. It questions the decisions of government, exposes corruption and injustice and thereby influences public opinion. It also informs common people about their rights. So, media strengthens democracy.
  • It acts as a watchdog. It forces those in power to take responsibility for their actions, which affect common people.
  • Now, we have 24/7 news channels and digital media which give information to the public almost immediately.
  • With more and more channels, fake news has become a common thing in the present times.
  • These days several media channels are broadcasting unimportant news for TRPs (Television Rating Point).
  • Some channels are creating paid news. This type of commercialization of media is causing a decline in media standards.
  • Many news channels are in the hands of a few corporations. Contacts between politicians and businessmen are resulting in broadcasting biased news by many channels.
  • By broadcasting biased and paid news, the media is making people politically polarized.
  • The media should give information to common people without fear. But in some countries, government controls media by censoring news that affects the ruling party’s reputation.
  • But with increased awareness, common people are able to differentiate between biased news and genuine news.


The media should inform news to common people without fear. It should strengthen democracy. Even though some news channels are deteriorating the media standards by broadcasting paid news, biased news, media is still very important for society. It is informing the public about government policies, investigative reports and conducting debates to help the public in forming opinions.

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