Private trains in India – Benefits & Challenges

Private trains in India - benefits & challenges


  • In July 2020, Indian Railways has invited private companies to run 151 passenger trains on 109 train routes. Government of India is expecting Rs.30,000 crores private investment with this move. It was announced that the private trains will start from April 2023.
  • India’s first private train is Lucknow – New Delhi Tejas Express, which was inaugurated in October 2019.


  • In general, with limited investment, developing countries give priority to the welfare of the citizens over providing world-class facilities for them. So, it’s better to transfer that responsibility to private players to create a win-win situation for all.
  • Passengers will get access to world-class trains with better facilities, less transit time and more safety. It was announced that these private are going to use modern technologies and require low maintenance. This is a win-win situation for both the companies and passengers.
  • At present, the demand for tickets is more than supply. Many times, people are forced to be in the waiting list to travel in trains, without the certainty of the confirmation of seat. With private trains, supply can meet the demand.
  • Government of India said that these trains will be manufactured in India under the ‘Make in India‘ program. If that really happens, it will create many jobs and will uplift the economy, which is desperately needed in the present time because of job losses due to pandemic.
  • This can end the monopoly of Indian Railways. Private players can instil a competitive spirit and can bring more facilities at affordable rates.
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  • This step can deepen the already existing inequality between rich and poor. Indian Railways clarified that the fares in the upcoming private trains will be in the range of flight tickets. So the poor and middle class may feel excluded.
  • With the use of modern technologies, many jobs can become redundant. So, private trains may not provide employment opportunities as many as the government trains provide.
  • If they are not manufactured in India as promised, coaches and other equipment will be imported. In that case, it will be a loss to India as it can lead to neo-colonization.
  • Even though the announced private trains constitute only 5% for now, there is no guarantee that it won’t be increased. If it is increased in the coming years, Indian Railways can suffer like BSNL & Air India, which were pushed to near bankruptcy due to the competition from private players.


Private investment will help in modernising railways. It will give us access to better facilities, less transit time and more safety in trains. And it’s the government’s responsibility to regulate the prices and make the journey in them affordable. It’s also important to upgrade the remaining trains too, so that common man will not feel neglected and discriminated.


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Photo by veerasak Piyawatanakul from Pexels

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  1. Sravani

    In my point rich people useful to private train and old man’s or women’s are health patience are comfortable to train so many facilities and their in train and poor people very difficult to train tickets with journey.

  2. Âřyăñ Vîñây

    Privatization of Indian railways have two edges like is very helpful to the rich people. It is also helpful because we can visit with safety and better facilities and also save our time.if trains will bemanufactured in India than it will create many jobs.
    But it is harmful to poor people. Because the price of tickets is very high and they have no more money. So, they can not visit by these will also create discrimination between rich and poor.

  3. Amratlal Davda

    Private trains may increase agents to earn commission on other end those relaying on other end staff on line will suffer extra income!! Have to wait N see🤔

  4. Sanjiv dubey

    In my point of view privatisation in railways is a good step regarding security perspective.As we know that there is no installation of camera in trains and that’s why many crimes like snatching of chains , harrassment of girls and women and bribe that is done by TT , occur in trains.
    As private players come in this row they will create a good surveillance and journey could be done safely.

  5. Aryan Vinay

    In my point of view it is great step for rich people but not for poor people who are below the poverty line. For richer it helps them to lose of time.But for the poor they can not pay the price of ticket

  6. Tinku paul

    According to me private train in India is not good because of in India many people they are living below the poverty line . Private organizations will run train may be some of the people will get benefit but private organizations will run the business to make their profit they will not think about poor people but when Indian railways easily cannot
    price hike , Railways has to think price increase it is justified or not I e we know railways incurred sometimes huge losses in spite of that they cannot price hike because of people will not be able to purchase the tickets. But private organizations they will make their business to earn the profit so it is very difficult for poor and middle class people.

    • Team GD Ideas

      Yes Tinku! Absence of price regulation is a cause for concern.

      • Tinku paul

        Thank you you have given your comment. I am very happy

  7. Swaraj Sundriyal

    Its is just a beginning but bringing private players will be beneficial for the common people like we have seen in telecom sector but initially it will be costlier for middle class as they will be giving facilities comparable to flights so they will charge according to them.But when competition will increase among the private players it will result in affordable prices along with world class facilities, efficiency and fast connectivity.

  8. Mandeep Singh

    Yes , We can start private trains with fair prices. so poors can also take the advantage from it . Government should make some regulations for fairs that will be taken by these train’s.

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