“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

Positive side of Indian Education system:-

  • Students go through many exams in their learning years. It teaches to analyse our strengths and weaknesses consistently.
  • Indian education system emphasizes competitive spirit. Competition teaches students to unleash their full potential.
  • Indian schools teach basic knowledge in all subjects.
  • The annual system in school years helps slow learners.
  • These days a lot of positive changes are happening in the education system of India. Emphasis on practical knowledge is increased.

Drawbacks of Indian Education system:-

  • Rote learning. Emphasis on memorizing the facts rather than thoroughly understanding the concepts.
  • Completely relying on textbooks.
  • Giving more importance to textbooks than the teacher. There is no autonomy for teachers.
  • Students have no freedom to think creatively and to question the content in the textbooks.
  • Taking marks as an assessment of student’s talent, when marks can be easily obtained by memorizing the pre-written answers from the textbooks.
  • Students are not being taught why they are learning particular subjects and topic. Textbooks do not mention how the topics are relevant in practical life.
  • There is no incentive for teachers to encourage critical thinking in children.
  • Lack of infrastructure.
  • Most of the syllabus is in theoretical form.
  • The dearth of capable teachers in government schools.
  • Low salaries of teachers.
  • Pressurizing students for marks and grades. Student suicides are increasing day by day.
  • Students are learning the subjects just to reach to the next level, i.e obtaining admission from the good college.
  • Indian govt is spending only 3% of its GDP on education.
  • As the Govt unable to invest enough in the education sectors, private institutions roped in, and the result is the High cost of education.
  • No control of govt on the fee structure of private educational institutes.
  • Ethics aren’t being taught in schools. And the result of this is many educated persons lack ethics.
  • Very low teacher to student ratio. As a result, teachers are not able to concentrate on each and every child. According to Right to Education, there should be one teacher for every 30 students.
  • High prices of higher education in India. Indian Govt isn’t investing in higher education aspirants.
  • Rise of coaching centres for competitive exams and private tuitions for school children are is resulted by the poor education system, which couldn’t make students job-ready.
  • Our textbooks do not mention the importance of physical activity and the extracurricular activities. Most of the schools in India do not have playgrounds.
  • Not encouraging research and innovation.
  • Not teaching students about how to deal with daily life struggles.
  • Incentivising hyper-competitiveness rather than encouraging to co-learn.
  • Shortage of textbooks for govt school students.
  • No proper career guidance available for students.
  • Most of the govt school students are unable to do basic math. This reveals the negligence of teachers.
  • Not everyone has access to school. A lot of rural areas still have no schools. And there are many single teacher schools.
  • In the top 100 universities list by ‘Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2016’, none of the Indian universities could make into the list.
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What the Indian Government is doing:-

  • The ‘National Policy on Education’ was framed in 1986 and was amended in 1992.
  • Rashtriya Madyamika Abhiyan, 2009 – This scheme aims to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality.
  • Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), 2013 – A mission to finance massively in state universities. But this wasn’t as successful as expected.
  • Vidyanjali scheme, 2016 – to encourage extra curricular activities in students.
  • Through the 86th constitutional amendment act, article 21A was inserted into the Indian constitution. As per Article 21A, it is the government’s responsibility to provide free and compulsory education to children aged between 6 to 14 years. The same amendment act changed the subject matter of one of the directive principle of state policy – Article 45. As per article 45 of the Indian constitution, the state shall provide early childhood and care for all children up to 6 years of age.
  • The Indian government is working on the New ‘National Education Policy’ (NEP) to bring revolutionary changes in the Indian education system. The first draft of the policy was released in 2019.

What still needs to be done:-

  • Indian Govt needs to invest heavily in infrastructure, teachers and training teachers. At least 4% of its GDP must be invested in the education sector.
  • Our attitude towards marks and grades needs to be changed.
  • Method of teaching needs a relook. Teachers should encourage logical thinking & creativity in students. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”― Benjamin Franklin
  • Exams should be in a way that a student’s understanding of the subject can be assessed.
  • Students should be exposed to economic and societal problems in the world.
  • Self-help books and biographies of successful persons should be a part of the syllabus. So that children can mould their personalities and can handle stress well, once they start a career.
  • Malnutrition affects a child’s ability to learn. So, the nutritional deficit must be taken care of.

The situation in other countries:-

  • USA is spending 5.4% of its GDP in the education sector, whereas Brazil is spending 5.7% of its GDP.
  • China invests heavily in its students and universities. In the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2016, China could grab nine positions in the top 100 universities list.
  • In South Korea, which has high literacy rates, there is high respect for the teaching profession.
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There is a dire need for revolutionary changes in India’s education system. Not just the syllabus and pedagogy, but also the attitude change towards the marks system need to be changed. With the effective learning system, India can successfully utilize its vast human resources.

Your Turn…

What’s your opinion on the present education system in India? Feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section below. And subscribe to our blog to read answers to the trending GD topics.

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  • RAHUL YADAV, May 3, 2022 @ 4:46 pm Reply

    We are learning many things in our syllabus like when the Aurangzeb came to India but there is no other subject where we can learn how to speak in front of an audience and how to be a businessman at an early age and this kind of syllabus should be added from class 5th so after 10th all students will know that what they want to do in their life.

  • Sumit chourey, May 4, 2020 @ 9:28 am Reply

    In my opinion the Corona virus(COVID-19) are highly affect our education system and global economy of all country and also affect the education system of our country because of the Corona virus the collages and school are not open in our country.Thr students are not study anytging.Becuse of cov-19 the compan, religious places, school,collages,market,malls are not open in any place. In now a day America was highly affected by the cov-19 information about cov-19 is that the Corona virus are come from bat. America and other countries are also affect in education system because of Corona virusus.The impact of Corona virus which is breakout in China in Wuhan city in December 2019.Till now approximately more than 248285 people were died due to this virus nearly 3566197 people were affected by it.Because of this cirus there are more chances of fighting between America and china . Because till now there are many people of America are affected by the cov-19 and they are also affect it economy rate.There are many products which was import from China .Indian industry depends on China for electronis item like mobile phones and also the pharmacistical ingredient are also come from china .but because of this virus products are not import to India also.transportation of product are stopped. so they affect our global economy only positive thing for India is decreased crude oil price because of Corona virus.There are many people of China are traveling the different different countries at that time Corona virus start to spread out because of this people the cov-19 virus are spread out in many countries. There are following causes due to cov-19:-
    1) All collages and school are not open because of this the students are not take education.
    2) As we now that the students of this age are the future of country but there are not take any knowledge about the new technology they are not attend classes because of Corona viruses.
    3) There are many Exam are stopped because of Corona.

  • Tinku Paul, Dec 4, 2019 @ 7:12 am Reply

    According to me Education means light – in India present education system scenario – nowadays most of the people literate and all the parents have desire their children will go to school. In India many government schools are there but their standard is poor, those parents can afford they send their children to Private English medium school otherwise for higher study they will not be able to compete with others. Nowadays English is very essential because of we are living of globalisation era. Those children are studying in Bengali medium school they are very poor in their study.If Government standardise the education then middle class people will get the facility. Government money allocation should increase in education sector. Secondly in Education system in India assessment through marks of the children it should be changed because of many students they are very good in their study but at the time of examination they get nervous , they can’t perform properly and some of students they don’t study properly whole year but at the time of examination they can manage and get good marks so the method should change. Many children they have strong desire for higher study but parents cannot afford. If government takes care of those children then it’s better to them. According to me all government school should English medium then it will better for all the students and future they will not face the problem, English is the international language, government should take care of it.

    • KALYANI SANDIP KHAIRNAR kal, Apr 2, 2020 @ 11:33 am Reply


    • Sneha bharti, Apr 29, 2020 @ 6:11 pm Reply

      I agréé with it

    • SUSHANT KUMAR, Aug 28, 2021 @ 1:13 pm Reply

      I agree with your suggestion sir that govt.school needs to be improve their infrastructure and it should be in english medium so that they don’t face problem in future.Govt.school teacher also need to focus about communication and soft skills of their student and teach about that topic.

  • Ankit Sangwan, Nov 8, 2019 @ 7:39 pm Reply

    Nice topics for the preparation for airforce group discussion. It helped me to crack the airforce group discussion.Thanks for the topics.

  • AMAN KUMAR, Sep 12, 2019 @ 9:16 pm Reply

    Good content !! Thanks for this platform!! Awesome

    • Team GD Ideas, Sep 13, 2019 @ 2:57 pm Reply

      Thank you for the compliment Aman.

    • MAHAM, Dec 2, 2020 @ 11:38 pm Reply

      I really agreed with this all the government school should be English medium

  • E Bhargav, Feb 7, 2019 @ 4:14 pm Reply

    We are lacking in the technology because indian students are pursuing technology based careers as like how the students in other countries are doing

  • sandhya, Sep 26, 2018 @ 1:57 pm Reply

    thank you. i got some idea

  • Fahim, Sep 25, 2018 @ 9:58 am Reply

    mam… send me the details of todays education system in solving social issues

  • Rishika, Jul 23, 2018 @ 11:28 am Reply

    In many government schools in rural and urban areas there still a glaring lack of resourceful and trained faculty who can provide children with high-quality

  • Rishabh Saxena, Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:04 pm Reply

    Indian Education system has both negative as well as the positive side but there are very few positive sides like Indian Education system emphasis on competitive exams which help students to unleash their full potential. but the main problem in the Indian education system is rote learning. it means, its emphasis on remembering the facts rather than the understanding of concepts.it totally relies on the textbooks So whatever knowledge they are getting from it they are not able to implement that knowledge. they are not able to correlate the knowledge to the practical expect. they are not able to solve real-time problems because whatever knowledge they are getting it is just futile because they don’t know how to implement that knowledge.
    India spends only 3% of its GDP on their education system. So, I would definitely recommend to increase it to 4%.

    • Nikita Singh, Oct 8, 2019 @ 1:29 pm Reply

      I agree to u completely… students are bounded by certain strict rules because of which they cannot think freely , they hesitate to apply their thoughts on practical .

    • Manik Sahu, INTJ, Apr 20, 2020 @ 3:10 pm Reply

      Even though this too much competition and examination is more like a negative aspect because it is only suitable for a very few students, while this examination and competition makes de-motivation because of competitive pressure and other mal effects on the students like marks pressure, etc..

  • ekta rawat, Jun 14, 2018 @ 10:16 am Reply

    your all points are vy nice ad thanx ,but i have question? how can i change the think of people?
    plzzz give me a gd ans for my question? and thank u

    • Bhupesh Thakur, Jun 22, 2018 @ 4:39 pm Reply

      We can’t change anyone’s thinking but all we can do is to change our own thinking.If we successfully bring change to our personality that would definitely reflect to the society around us. This is what change is at a very fundamental level. Now once you are changed it would make you enough confident to share your experiences to others and that might inspire others to change. This will bring evolution to the education system.

  • Gaurav, May 29, 2018 @ 1:43 pm Reply

    According to my knowledge… Our present education system is not so good ..because it has lack of practical knowledge and filled completely with theoretical knowledge.. In our schools ,student does not study for knowledge ..he study to get ahead to next class and for taking admission in good college. In our country . about 50% of people are unemployed.. Because of the system ..in private schools ..more fees were demanding at the time of admission . the condition of our government schools is very bad ..there were lack of facilities and good teachers…

    • Team GD Ideas, May 30, 2018 @ 7:57 am Reply

      That’s right! There are many problems in Indian Education system.

    • remo, Jun 18, 2018 @ 10:04 pm Reply


    • amrat, Jul 6, 2018 @ 3:46 pm Reply

      Agree about demanding higher fees, going further for admission in universities fees may be capped but good chunk is demanded for donation and student have to recoup those expenses either by going abroad or charge heavily to their clients depending on their profession. In such circumstances corruption becomes a religion.

  • Ankit Pandey, May 27, 2018 @ 1:51 pm Reply

    India is an ancient country. Education has the main role to develop the country. Education is not only to find the government job but also to make a good citizen. There are 54.5 percent people who are uneducated in our country. So our country is not progressing to educational areas and our country is presiding day by day. There are 50% people who are unemployed in our country. It seems to be another country, we find that India is not progressing when compared to other countries. USA government gives the high quality education and most of the people are employed in their country. So it seems that there is a low percentage of literacy and most of the people are unemployed who are suffering with family. So we need to give message to Indian government that more employment opportunities need to be created.

    • Team GD Ideas, May 28, 2018 @ 7:11 pm Reply

      Well said! Employment opportunities and literacy rates should be increased.

    • Santosh Kumar, Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:50 pm Reply

      Sir Give the some information about present covid 19 impacts on the higher education system.

  • P. Kolandasamy, Puducherry, May 22, 2018 @ 7:24 am Reply

    India is an ancient country, so tradition plays a major role in education also. Parental care is also important. Education is for knowledge & wisdom not only for job and money. Research aptitude & attitude to be inculcated among young students. Self learning & realization to be promoted.

  • Suvi, May 16, 2018 @ 7:49 pm Reply

    In India, particularly in Tamilnadu students are wasted by making them to spend 20 years of their life in useless education….
    honestly its a waste of time for all the students….
    with this pointless learning system majority of the graduates end up umemployed…
    they don’t reach their destiny….
    so plzzzz change the education system in Tamilnadu…!!!!!
    plzzz don’t corner Tamilnadu people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Arju Kumari, Apr 10, 2018 @ 11:09 pm Reply

    This topic is very nice.
    I think Indian education system is good.

    • Tinku Paul, Dec 6, 2019 @ 7:10 am Reply

      According to me Indian Education system is poor – those parents cannot afford their children to the private school – those children are in trouble in their future because of their base is very poor they can’t compete with other students in globally . Not only that they cannot go for higher studies. If government take care – standard of education in government schools then it is better for the students then they will not suffer .

  • sanjay singh, Mar 7, 2018 @ 4:43 pm Reply

    Be honest ,the present education system of india are not upto to the mark.There are so many reason why india’s education system is poor in the comparison of other big countries . The reasons are that lack of good goverment school ,no proper infrastructure for the student , increasing number of private school , tution institute That sit.

  • ashela, Feb 15, 2018 @ 3:55 pm Reply


  • ashela, Feb 15, 2018 @ 3:52 pm Reply

    Emphasis on practical knowledge is in created

  • Dev, Jan 19, 2018 @ 3:30 am Reply

    Indian Education does not prepare human resources for future indeed counts much on past whether fact or fiction. Its baseless and of no use,

  • ASHWINI RAMAKRISHNA, Jan 13, 2018 @ 9:43 am Reply

    If you see d current Delhi government education minister… He is planning to send some 25 best teachers to Finland. Make research there and come back here and implement it which has to b feasible… But my question is why v have to look for Oly finland. Just because it is No.1 ?
    If we go through how this revolutionary took place. A team travelled across d world ,looked how other education system is going on. After coming back to Finland.they formed a new system which has took them in No.1 position…. What I suggest is choose some high potential lecturers, Ask them to make research on different education system. Come up with an idea. Submit it in a kind of thesis. Attract government and implement it gradually..

  • naveen kumar, Jan 3, 2018 @ 3:34 pm Reply

    awesome buddy :-)

    • Team GD Ideas, Jan 11, 2018 @ 3:45 pm Reply

      Thank you Naveen. :)

  • Sai kumar goud, Dec 18, 2017 @ 2:40 am Reply

    The various schemes which are implemented by the gvt of India are not at target reachable level. Those are only for the sake of promo & exhibition.really tough situations in gvt schools about infra..,becz I came from gvt scl.but,I really enjoyed the physical education( sports).which have learnt great spirit & enthusiasm in doing others works challengingly……..Thanks a lot for writing such a great article.

  • Khushi, Dec 3, 2017 @ 7:36 am Reply

    The present education system is only focusing on theoretical knowledge while now, employers are looking for more of practical knowledge.
    Even I am a student and in fact in tenth but all we are doing is craming.Sometimes we don’t even know what are we even studying. Studying is not only what marks do you get in exams. But apparently it is the condition in the present scenario. The government and S doing very good in this but it is still not enough. The Indian education system needs a total makeover.
    We need to think beyond what we are shown. I can’t say anything else but until and unless our mindset is changed we cannot go ahead.

  • Akshaya, Dec 1, 2017 @ 7:17 pm Reply

    Ya really it doesn’t matters a lot for getting certified more than knowledge knowledge matter more then certified . we will certified through our information.

    It will be great to get certified through our own hardwork

    Thanks a lot for giving such information

  • Samar Bty, Nov 28, 2017 @ 7:46 am Reply

    Education system is the most important thing and still gov is taking so much time to change it don’t know when and which part of the system will be changed

    • amrat, Jul 6, 2018 @ 3:58 pm Reply

      One must realize that all the systems has been corrupted from roots since many decades and it takes time to cure such system.
      Not only politicians and government bodies but most of religious organisations and communities survive on decades policy of divide and rule with support of blind faithhed public.

  • Amit Sinha, Nov 11, 2017 @ 3:32 pm Reply

    In India, Education means getting certificate and testing through exams.
    Difference between knowledge acquisition and getting certificates (exam oriented learning). there is an intense demand for certificates for job allocation

    • Team GD Ideas, Nov 14, 2017 @ 6:22 am Reply

      That’s true. These days situation seems improving. Employers are now giving importance to skill rather than certificates. But still, exam oriented learning is highly prevalent in India.

      • gouthami gantyada, Aug 4, 2018 @ 8:07 am Reply

        well we indians have potential but lack of sources.in my opinion the more we indulge in practical learning than classroom reading is very effective.i don’t mean theoritical is not important..

  • Anonymous, Nov 11, 2017 @ 7:44 am Reply

    For the exam they should give the subject we have understood and that we are willing to write.

  • jaydeep, Nov 5, 2017 @ 5:49 pm Reply

    nice one

  • Balaji, Nov 5, 2017 @ 5:37 pm Reply

    I do feel the same…

  • srinu, Sep 25, 2017 @ 10:14 am Reply

    in addition to your points discipline is very very important make the students with perfect discipline……then above points will followed by students and teachers parents also should have discipline in term of caring students

  • ABHISHEK, Sep 18, 2017 @ 11:08 pm Reply



    • amrat, Jul 6, 2018 @ 4:08 pm Reply

      Bhai, students learn basic skill right from getting admission by bribing for further education and come out fully experienced in corrupting to regain wealth their parents spent and earning more for their generation, not forgetting to satisfy their lavish lifestyle and giving commission to those concerned.

  • moly jain, Sep 16, 2017 @ 12:41 am Reply

    Current education system is far most btr den previous system but here we compare education wid how higher cost we pay for our education , more the cost more btr education we will be getting and all this is created by us only . Eg. IIM’s students are very brillant as compare to others grades dosent decide how capable a person is , how intelligent n how much potential they have . It is needed to change the perception that 90 % gainer is superb and 70%gIn is average . Everyperson will change their opinion den i think some improvemnt will be there for sure ..

  • Swapnil, Jul 16, 2017 @ 10:35 am Reply

    Yes it is really true but what changes should actually be made in our education system?

  • Aayush Dhingra, Jul 11, 2017 @ 10:48 pm Reply

    seriously!!!….our education system is focusing on how much a student can cram not how much a student can gain knowledge…..even I am also a student infact m just 18 and i knw how much it will be difficult for students like me[THE AVERAGE ONE] who want practical knowledge over theoretical…

  • Varsha, Jun 11, 2017 @ 12:03 pm Reply

    It’s amazing,even iam a student and this all lines are true….actually we all are studying for marks….for scores not for general knowledge

  • Sunil b, Apr 27, 2017 @ 7:58 pm Reply

    This is very useful information and interesting also specially for me.

  • keerthiraj. h, Apr 24, 2017 @ 10:35 am Reply

    Indian education system is good but not better ,our education system more concentration towards the theoritycali but it’s not usefull bcz most of all students like practical education system

  • Nadhiya, Apr 3, 2017 @ 1:20 pm Reply

    Very good article

  • Nadhiya, Apr 3, 2017 @ 1:19 pm Reply

    Article is good.
    Present education system is like as business mainly cooperate schools and colleges.
    Students are referring to question rather than textbook that to before exams for marks .students are unable to raise the question. Parents and teachers presuming the students for marks, grades,ranks. If government concerte on education system ,there will change in coming days.

  • Thanga Malar, Mar 13, 2017 @ 4:20 pm Reply

    I agree that information

  • Tahreen fazal, Feb 23, 2017 @ 8:35 pm Reply

    In India there are many schools they think only education is prior to school but not sports .They are neglecting it completely or just they are teaching it for formality .In many school they doesn’t even have a sports teacher so all the time work for student is to read and write and there is no time for refresh their brains

  • Tahreen fazal, Feb 23, 2017 @ 8:29 pm Reply

    Yes I agree,the basic education in India is not up to the standard,now a days education has become a business in India and educational institutions are mostly run by politicians and the top level businessmen to make money

    • amrat, Jul 6, 2018 @ 4:15 pm Reply

      Not only in India, this is also in foreign countries.

  • Tanmay Kumar, Feb 7, 2017 @ 8:34 pm Reply

    i think
    -earlier the education system was fully govt. centred and now it was opened to pvt. sector also
    – Pvt.sector education was good but after the passage of time it is now a commercial activity
    -It is not that developing,hence skills are not developed due to this students are unable to seek any employment.
    -Thee is no freedom to think creatively
    -so we need to change in the education system and education system should be such that it develops skills in the student so that ideally the can do their own work as per their skills,which is much a strength job.
    -Present education system is lacking this that’s why there is unemployment @14% in the youth, and youth are going heither and beither in search of job
    -so concluding i want to say that education system should not be strict and aim at meeting educational needs of the whole population

  • Sachidananda Patra, Jan 22, 2017 @ 1:35 pm Reply

    When you come to a doctor, he/she will not force you to take treatment under him. Simillarly in any profession you will find the same attitude. But in Education, you will find a totally different approach.
    So first of all the teachers to be trained as they should deal with the student’s problem rather than the course curriculum. They should continue the education process with student’s speed. Student should be given more freedom to clarify their doubts.

  • Yatin Dhamija, Jan 14, 2017 @ 1:25 pm Reply

    i think that u should also include positive sides of Indian education system so that one can draw an overall view of our system rather than just a negative opinion

    • GD Ideas, Jan 14, 2017 @ 8:23 pm Reply

      Thank you for your suggestion. We will update the post soon.

  • Gauthami, Aug 30, 2016 @ 7:43 pm Reply

    Hey… This is very helpful for me. Thanks!!! I think our schools are way too disciplined, instilling fear in students. Our old gurkul system is the best education system.

  • rani, Aug 26, 2016 @ 2:31 pm Reply

    very nice

  • nandini, Jun 10, 2016 @ 12:56 pm Reply

    why many students are flying to other countries?

    • Shalini, Aug 23, 2016 @ 9:18 pm Reply

      Because they get higher package in other country than india

    • SHAHNAWAZ AHMAD, Aug 29, 2016 @ 11:47 pm Reply

      There r some points as
      No proper working environment provided ,facility ,judgement of a good employ ,& also package bt package is the last option

  • veena, Jun 2, 2016 @ 6:24 am Reply

    present educational system is just mug uping if we talk about the private and public educational institution the way of teaching is different the out put from the student is only a theoritical knowledge which dont work at all in their career

  • LAXMANAN, Apr 1, 2016 @ 6:24 am Reply

    as for as we concern we accept and change our life according to chances in all aspects including social, technology, way of life style except educational system still in many rural areas we are following british leave educational system (1930’s) first we must provide training to the teachers for improve their skill.in up to date leve,.Trainging for Trainer is essencial to improve edu system.

    • GD Ideas, Apr 1, 2016 @ 8:08 am Reply

      Rightly said.

  • Aavishkar School, Jan 28, 2016 @ 12:38 pm Reply

    Education system must provide training to the teachers for improve their
    skill. thank-you for sharing helpful information.

  • Mukta Bakshi, Jul 23, 2015 @ 6:38 am Reply


    Thank you so much for writing blog. This is good information!

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  • Sushant Rai, Jul 23, 2015 @ 6:38 am Reply

    Interesting information is being provided on education. classes for gate in vijayawada

  • jagadeesh, Apr 11, 2014 @ 1:39 am Reply

    nice information

  • sowjanya kanike, Apr 8, 2014 @ 4:47 am Reply

    super ty

  • pavithra theertha, Mar 2, 2014 @ 9:02 am Reply

    Well said… children n d skol r nt even guided wel abt carrers.. so they hardly knw d options available in d carrer xcpt doctors nd engineers.. !!!

  • Chandu Priya, Feb 4, 2014 @ 8:44 am Reply

    Awesome information

  • sarath chandra, Jan 19, 2014 @ 1:10 pm Reply

    really an wonderful article thank u bro….

  • Saranya murugesan, Nov 9, 2013 @ 3:09 pm Reply

    thank u so munch for ur article

  • Appu Srva, Oct 26, 2013 @ 6:24 pm Reply

    Yes. You are 100% right. The pathetic thing is that now a days, parents are more concerned about marks and grades.! Attitude towards this marks system needs to be changed.

  • Rahul Raj, Oct 26, 2013 @ 6:20 pm Reply

    Don't you think its not just the government and the educational institutions, but the parents should also be concerned about this???

  • DEEPIKA J, Sep 2, 2013 @ 1:27 pm Reply

    nice and useful……

  • ASHISH KUMAR MAHATO, Aug 22, 2013 @ 11:00 am Reply

    Yes! we need huge change in the system…both Govt and Educational Institution must be careful about the carrier of childrens

  • Tejas Pathade, Aug 21, 2013 @ 9:42 am Reply

    Yes. I agree there is an huge change need to our system,that is benificial for student. Tnx

    • Sumit chourey, Mar 12, 2020 @ 9:41 pm Reply

      I my opinion I also said that the education system of our country is not well.because of this reason –. * Completely knowledge are based on only textbooks. *In education system of India gives mort importance to textbooks based syllabus only. *Students have no freedom to think creatively.In student exam only that questions are give which is in textbooks. *Practical knowledge should not be given by teachers only threotical knowledge should be given. *Scripts writting is most important to take a practical marks *old edition of the book running new editionare not come. *Only book knowledge would given not mention physical and extra curricular activities.

  • rakesh, Jul 2, 2013 @ 4:25 am Reply

    useful information thank uuuu

  • Ramu. Kurni, Jul 1, 2013 @ 4:42 pm Reply

    very good , so nice

  • nehru s, May 11, 2013 @ 4:31 am Reply

    very nice info's got from that site..tanx,.

  • nehru s, May 11, 2013 @ 4:31 am Reply

    all info's is superb and thats fact in india…am very thankfull fa u

  • learn mile, May 6, 2013 @ 2:14 pm Reply

    I am very interested in your article, I think your articles are so interesting that I need more information, I will always support you. I say many thanks to you. Just wanna say thank you for the information that you have been shared on your site.

  • BAKIR MOHAIDEEN, Feb 19, 2013 @ 8:56 am Reply


  • Preethi G, Jan 9, 2013 @ 3:18 am Reply


  • Mohammed Omer, Nov 29, 2012 @ 12:44 pm Reply

    Good one…

  • Anonymous, Sep 30, 2012 @ 2:30 am Reply


  • akki, Sep 13, 2012 @ 11:36 am Reply

    gud …..:))

  • Anonymous, Aug 5, 2012 @ 2:01 am Reply


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