Manipulative marketing

manipulative marketing

What is manipulative marketing?

  • Manipulative marketing means tricking consumers into buying products through manipulation. More and more people are now questioning such marketing practices.

Points to speak:

  • Exaggerated claims are the most common type of manipulative marketing practices. For example, we see so many shampoo advertisements which claim that their products prevent hair fall, but in reality, that may not work. When we see advertisements with exaggerated claims, we may think of trying them. So, this is like cheating the consumers.
  • Some companies market their products by following psychological manipulation techniques. They create unnecessary & artificial needs. For example, a few perfume companies market their products by overemphasizing the benefits of using perfumes. And some other companies make us feel like a loser if we are not using their products. Some people fall into this kind of trip buy the products to keep up with the trends.
  • Using photoshopped images are now a common thing in advertisements, billboards and hoardings. But that is a kind of manipulative marketing.
  • With direct advertisements and other marketing practices, we at least know that it is a part of their marketing strategy. But now subliminal advertising is a common thing, which means targeting the subconscious mind of potential customers by using images or sounds. We may not be able to notice these types of ads, because they are generally not perceived by our conscious minds. For example, a character in the movie eat snacks of a particular brand. It will be shown as normal content and the brand name of the snacks will be displayed for just 5 seconds. Through this kind of product placement, people may get influenced subconsciously to buy those products.
  • Some companies promote their products by false claims such as using only natural ingredients, not having any harsh chemicals etc without any proof. We also see some ads which claim that doctors recommend this product. For example, if we observe marketing practices for soaps, many soaps are advertised like that, but in reality, they just hide some ingredients from displaying on the cover. Some companies make vague claims. For example, some food products are advertised as having more vitamins and minerals, but if we see the packet, there will be no mention of which vitamins and minerals it contains.
  • Some products are advertised by concealing hidden costs. For example, many vehicles will be marketed at a price, which generally doesn’t include insurance, registration, delivery and handling charges etc.
  • Political parties too follow manipulative marketing practices by exaggerating the good they have done to the people and also by diminishing the accomplishments of the other political parties.
  • A few companies are using greenwashing techniques by promoting their products as eco-friendly.
  • In general, people say that we have to be cautious while choosing products and should not be influenced by manipulative marketing practices. It’s tough for consumers to make the right decision when there are so many companies that use unethical marketing practices to influence their decisions. So, it’s important to make laws to prevent businesses from using manipulative tactics to influence consumers.
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Many companies are now following unethical marketing practices to manipulate potential consumers into buying their products. Even though people are increasingly becoming aware of manipulative marketing practices, it is not fair to put the burden of analyzing the good and bad on consumers. So, businesses should be punished if they follow unethical marketing practices.

Your Turn…

Have you ever witnessed manipulative marketing practices? Express your thoughts on this topic through the comment section below. And subscribe to our blog to read answers to the trending GD topics.

Photo by Negative Space from Pexels


Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.

1 Comment

  1. Inner peace ☮️

    I know the effectiveness of manipulative marketing
    But with this discussion I learnt so many points and also got some ideas.

    The problem with majority of people is they don’t how to research and whom they have to ask regarding the products they want to buy.

    Even a product that won’t give expected results, people believe that this product will give better result. Lol.

    Example: fat burner, intelligent grower kind products
    This kind of product are running with help of subconscious mind of people.

    They don’t know how the reality works. If exposed to such products for long period.

    The thing is now a days reviewing and trying the new gadgets are getting famous like wise
    We also need to review the products weither it is really give the expected results or not. Not only results but also to check how safe it is.

    We see a lot anti- dandruff shampoo in market that won’t work obviously. But we have to tell to people
    Which kind of formulas are helpful to get rid of dandruff in proven way. Along with it we have rate the product on behalf of health, results, durability.
    So that people will get to know how good it is for the given price.

    Example: take a heavy game that you want to play in mobile and you want max performance and with max graphics.
    You took two mobiles and checked with your requirements
    Consider below names as mobile names
    DAF pro flip max gives 40fps. Which is satisfactory
    But price is 200 bucks
    Gan pad pro lite. Give 90fps which is outstanding
    But price is 600 bucks.
    So I would rate DAF pro flip max 6/10 interms of price and performance
    And gan pad pro lite as 8/10.
    Now it’s people desicion to buy gadgets because we showed them the reality in terms of performance and price value .

    So atlast we need to start reviewing and researching on behalf of people and show them the easy way to pick right decision. Mostly importantly reviewers need to be honest af.

    If you read this far they may be my views are good. thanks for reading my content hope you have a great day.

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