Impact of globalization on education:

  • Globalization has improved the quality of education. Due to globalization, countries got the opportunity to witness the best education systems worldwide and thus could replicate them.
  • New methods of learning such as e-learning, blended learning was quickly adopted by many countries due to globalization.
  • Knowledge sharing among the world countries resulted in teaching updated technologies to students across the world.
  • Due to globalization, foreign universities were established in developing countries. These universities helped many students in getting a high-quality education. Moreover, foreign investments in the education sector of developing and underdeveloped countries also helped in improving the facilities and infrastructure.
  • Now, more and more students are studying in colleges of other countries through e-learning.
  • As the number of foreign students is increasing at a rapid rate, several countries are improving their quality of education and teaching practices continuously.
  • Education should develop empathy and understanding in students. Globalization enabled students to develop an understanding of other cultures, which is like a practical education.
  • Due to globalization, many realised the importance of education and hence literacy rates have improved worldwide.
  • Globalization made many people aware of human rights and the loopholes in the governance of their own countries. This practical education helps students in taking part in the development of their countries.
  • Globalization encouraged many countries to adopt alternative learning systems such as homeschooling, distance education, world schooling etc.
  • Now, there is more emphasis on practical learning in many countries. For example, internships have now become a common thing.
  • English is turning into the main medium of instruction in many countries. There are several debates going on about English dominance. Some people say that it is better to teach in English in the era of globalization, and some others say that it negatively affects the learning process of students.
  • Many schools are now teaching global education. Moreover, in general, students are more interested in learning and following modern blended culture due to globalisation. So, some people have fears about the extinction of local languages and culture.
  • Not everyone has access to quality education. The improved education due to globalization is only beneficial for the rich and people of urban areas. There is a huge gap between rich-poor and urban-rural areas in access to educational opportunities. Globalization is further widening these gaps because those who utilized the opportunities will improve their economic status.
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Globalization has helped many countries in improving their education systems and literacy rates. However, not everyone could benefit from the impact of globalization on education. Education inequalities must be bridged between Rich-poor & urban-rural areas so that everyone can utilize the opportunities created by globalization.

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Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels


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