Higher Education in India

higher education in India

The plight of Indian Higher Education System can be understood from the fact that Indians spend Rs. 65,000 crores annually on foreign education which is almost the twice of the government’s higher education budget. Also, every year only one or two Indian universities are able to secure a place in the top 200 universities of the world. These two facts are very alarming when we know and boast of India being a young country. If we are unable to work on their upliftment these human resources are going to become a burden on the country. Let’s look at some of the reasons why even the Indians don’t prefer India for higher education:

  • Underinvestment: Though we have been establishing national level institutes from the past 40 years but we haven’t been investing to maintain their standards. Funds are needed for quality education. Even the top Indian institutes lack proper infrastructure, labs, resources etc. And even whatever is available is just for the sake of passing the students in the examination and sits idle the rest of the time.
  • Rapid Expansion: Education has expanded rapidly in India. India has a higher number of educational institutes as compared to some of the developed (or developing countries which are doing better than India) countries. Now to handle this expansion we have standardized the education forgetting that different people need a different type of education. With standardization two things happened:
    • Marks became the prime focus instead of learning. The teachers taught in a standard way which would prepare the students for exams, students studied just for the sake of passing or getting good marks in the exams, this also paved way for the coaching classes, stereotyping of marks etc.
    • Those institutes who could have done better had they moved on independently, got caught up in this process of standardization and watertight rules.
  • Failed Alumni network: On institute’s part they have failed to establish a long-term network with their alumni. They could help the institutes financially and also act as guides to the students. The alumni also don’t think of this as their duty which is a very common norm in the foreign.
  • Failed to understand the worth of education: Indians as a whole consider the educational institutions as job machines, we expect to enter unemployed and come out with employment. We don’t realize that we will have to upgrade our skills to become worthy of employment. This is the reason that more than 80% of engineers are unemployable and the figures are even worse for the non-engineers.
  • Inability to bring different disciplines together: Today no problem has a single solution or no new technology is related to a single discipline. We need multiple inputs from multiple disciplines and our institutes have failed in doing so.
  • Lack of lucrative research opportunities: Indian students perform brilliantly when they go to different countries in the field of research. It means that we don’t lack talent, we lack infrastructure, healthy environment for our sharp minds.
  • Shortage of quality teachers: We haven’t been paying our teachers on the scales of what their counterparts earn in other countries. As a result, people are reluctant to the idea of teaching as a career. We have also failed to lure successful foreign faculties for our institutes.
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Conclusion :-

When it comes to education, no certification from the government or any other body can take place of the performance and feedbacks of the alumni. The quality and its desirability lies in the eyes of the budding student who is going to take a life altering decision. We can imagine the quality and desirability of Indian institutes from the fact that every year close to 40,000 Indian students go abroad for higher education but not even 1% of this number comes to India from other countries.

Government institutes are very less and they are also not of top-quality international institutes. The private players in this field just ask for rampant fees from students and in return give them degree and poor education. Still, these institutes flourish because the demand exceeds the supply.

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  1. Tejas Rane

    Informative blog. There are many institutes offering higher education in India. Education has been standardised but some institutes lack funds and are not able to provide good labs and resources. There should be improvements like an alumni feedback network, good infrastructure and environment and better pay for the teachers.

  2. Kanchanbutola

    Indian Higher education system is being world’s third largest higher education system and but on the quality based we get only three universities to enter in top 200 QS world list this is showing that how we are lacking in the ground level now there is a need to change the accreditation and regulation of the universities as well as from the school level we need to change and strengthen the quality of education by the teachers efficiency and on the undergraduate level there is a need of enough teacher to in teaching and in the undergraduate programs there is a need of outcome related program for the students first in their admission time that a student would know that after doing this course or after doing BBA course after doing BCom where they will go and which courses they need to do that they will you get quality education and as well as employment also in research and development governments need to give enough funding because due to poor funding there is the lack of research Scholars and as well as a poor quality of enrollment
    , according to me in the higher education of India there is the definite there is need of the hour to develop infrastructure as well as well to invest around 2 to 3 percentage of GDP and increase the teaching and Research environment in the higher education.

  3. Suman Kumar

    First, we have a lack of infrastructure, no proper lab , no research opportunities. In india we have a great talent but we can’t utilize it due to this. So we have to go abroad for higher education. There are also not too many government institute, if some are then there are not quality faculties. Student can’t understand the real meaning of education actually we are racing like rat race for job. We are not racing for enhancement of skills that’s a major problem a lot of engineers and others professional person are unemployable. We have to focus on upgrading our skills rather than getting good marks and passing examination, it will be byproduct if we upgraded ourselves. Some private institute taking too much higher fees and give quality education. These are major problem due to this a lot of students go to abroad for higher education and not too many students come in India from foreign.

  4. Rohit kuntal

    I think in India lack of infrastructure and huge population are the two main reason for higher education because in our country govt. Do not focus on the infrastructure and lack of knowledge among some teacher is also a reason so we have educate our children by the well educated teacher

  5. Shivansh Saxena

    Lackness Quality teacher is the primary reason why after getting degree we could not get job, acc to me reservation should be remove from education how can u assign a teaching job to a such person who score 40-50% in an exam. Secondly Indian govt should find thr reason why the students who go out for study but didn’t came back

    3. Build infrastructure create job
    4. India should chnge the way we r educated they should implement practical as real life knowledge is more important than books cripper

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