Background :-

  • Only 22 per cent of the health expenditure is public funded in India as compared to 44 per cent in the US, or 95 per cent in countries like Sweden or 75 per cent in all the market economies of the world taken together.

In Favor :-

  • Private hospitals spend vast amounts of money to buy necessary equipment.
  • Private hospitals keep their hospitals clean, and take more care of their patients.
  • Government itself can’t invest more money for hospitals. So, it’s better to give responsibility to private people.
  • Because of commercialization of health care number of doctors is increasing.

In Against :-

  • Private hospitals recommends tests and medicines unnecessarily, just for their profit.
  • Not everyone can afford treatment in private hospitals.
  • There are many cases of unnecessary surgeries in private hospitals.

Conclusion :-

           Commercialization of healthcare results in bringing better facilities and infrastructure to the healthcare system. But this should not lead to high costs that are not affordable to many. To provide universal access to healthcare, government should improve the quality of treatment in government hospitals.

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  • Dr.Shafique, Sep 15, 2022 @ 6:18 pm Reply

    Most of time private hospitals recommend admissions and expensive tests, procedures unnecessarily, just for their profit.

  • Preet Kaur, Jun 9, 2018 @ 12:30 pm Reply

    is privatization of health care a boon or bane around the globe

    • Preet Kaur, Jun 9, 2018 @ 12:32 pm Reply

      if yes why and no then why

    • Akilesh, Nov 9, 2018 @ 10:37 pm Reply

      i think its bane because common people can’t afford the prices of private hospitals . And we can see that some of the private hospitals are not giving a good hospitalization but instead they are working for their profit . And we can’t say that commercialization is good but everything will be having their loop poles .

  • Anshumaan, Feb 20, 2017 @ 6:44 pm Reply

    Privatization should be welcomed as it gives rise to competition and increases the accountability of hospitals but their operations require monitoring. Proper inspection in their functioning should be done by independent bodies to check whether they are working only for profits. Their evaluation should be done by government on the basis of such reports. Also these private hospitals should regularly host campaigns of free health checkups for poor and middle class people. Such programs should be in cooperation with the Government.

  • DEVENDRA THENUAN, Mar 16, 2016 @ 11:50 pm Reply

    i think people wants commercialization in health care just because they feel government hospitals are not providing sufficient care to the patient and less cleanness. so, by looking into these facts i think the main problem is in IMPLEMENTATION of the rule in government sector. so,why are we running from our responsibilities. And private hospitals are costly just because they are spending money to buy new and advanced machines from OTHER countries. therefore if we start manufacturing these machines in INDIA itself then surely they charge less ,so that the common people can effort treatment their. SO, even if want COMMERCIALIZATION in health care first we need to take care of our responsibilities ,we are the second largest country therefore we need to manufacture these machines to make our TREATMENT cheaper.

    • GD Ideas, Apr 1, 2016 @ 8:08 am Reply

      Well said!

  • Ayush Singh, Mar 3, 2014 @ 6:25 pm Reply

    I totally disagree with you Prajeeta….how does commercialization mean compromise with quality and service??? have u entered a private hospital?? definitely u have….how do u think there is lack of quality and services there??? commercialization just means that private sectors are coming into force in medical aid… and that is absolutely good. of course not everyone can afford it but people who can afford are surely getting help from them. no one is stopping the govt. to increase the facilities in govt. hospitals. If they are so concerned they shud improve facilities at govt. hospitals. common man then den hmself choose where he wants to go. i would like to point out that commercialization is not bad at all. YES!of course at places doctors take advantage of it and ask unnecessary tests to be done but that is just a problem of ethics and nothing to do with commercialization

  • Prajeeta Kulshrestha, Jul 23, 2013 @ 3:20 am Reply

    Commercialization is definitely bad in health care as well as Education sector since it means to compromises with quality, services etc. For profit making. Since the main reason for this is privatization, I am strongly against privatization of such sectors providing with these important services to the citizens of a country. Privatization in aviation, tourism, leisure etc. Is bearable but not in health-care and education. It has lead to a situation where we are at the verge of reaching a stage when perhaps middle class and poor people will not really have the right to quality education and health-care services since private institutions and hospitals are willing to cater to the needs of the rich only.

  • surjith, Jul 5, 2012 @ 7:42 am Reply

    commercialization itself is not bad since a little advertisement is also needed for a doctor but if he prescribes a unnecessary medicine or unrelated test for sake of earning money as a return on his education or luxury building would amount to a fraud.And often such frauds go undetected either because lack of information to patients or lack of proper regulatory frame work. A proper regulatory body consisting of persons from various departments along with educating the population about their rights and grievance mechanism would be effective. Only merit and ethical based health education system will be able to induce genuine aspirants into health system. finally, A good doctor requires just enough infrastructure to treat a patient not a five star hotel and a well informed patient requires proper prescription not luxury treatment.

  • Anirudh saroj, Jun 21, 2012 @ 4:29 pm Reply

    good topic and a great answer

  • sathish, Jan 21, 2012 @ 2:41 am Reply

    thanks well topic and well answer

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