Money spent on space exploration can be better used on reducing poverty on earth

space research in India 2

Space research is a waste of money :-

  • Space exploration is a waste of money as the achievement is extraordinarily little in comparison to the money and time spent.
  • From disappearance of Rainforests, Pollution of the Oceans, increased in desertification, increasing Global Warming, climate change, famine, droughts, shortage of food and clean water, we are facing many major issues here apart from economic problems and not enough money is being spent to counter these problems.
  • Investment in technology and in humanity should be balanced to avoid stagnation of development.
  • Space exploration gives us no direct benefits and is dangerous as it is prone to environmental accidents.

Space research is not a waste of money :-

  • Space exploration is important for the nation economy, homeland security and technological superiority.
  • Space programs are the source of big revenues, they generates revenue as they charge for every satellite they launch in the space.
  • Through space reseach, India is able to check the climate (temperature, humidity, het streams) thus helping the agricultural community and people living in the coastal areas by forecasting weather.
  • India’s ISRO is competing with other big agencies like NASA, European Research Centre and so getting major projects which is a direct benefit to nation.
  • Budget on Space Exploration program is only 1/10th of the total GDP of India.
  • Scientific knowledge has value beyond the measurement of cost. Understanding of how universe came into being and ultimately how we came into being cannot be measured in terms of cost.
  • Many discoveries have been made as a result of space exploration programs. ISRO telemedicine and tele-education is helping rural areas.
  • Space research has given us many technologies that are essential in our daily life. From GPS to internet, to television and communication only made possible through satellite.
  • With the help of our satellites we get better at our defence and by strengthening defence, we can avoid war which saves money and human resources to a large extent.
  • Space exploration has long term effect. Investing in these projects is necessary as one major discovery can change the face of humanity.
  • More and more scientific program opens new gateways to lots of people in terms of jobs.
Also Read :  Nuclear fusion energy

Conclusion :-

Space exploration is not a waste of money in long term aspect. Comparing space program with poverty eradication programs and other social welfare issues is not a progressive thought. Both the programs have separate budgets in the economy. We need Technological research and progress for overall development of the nation.

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Afterwords :- What is your opinion on this topic? Express your thoughts in the comment section below.

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. Sindhu K J

    Never think that anything is waste or waste of money
    Space research is not a waste of money it is also important for us like it has helped in many ways
    All know this

  2. Renee Keerthana

    What I believe is that money invested in the betterment of any field is not a waste. But considering the conditions in India we really ought to pay more attention to the infrastructure and its economy and then think about space exploration which will be more prosperous afterwards. This does not mean that space exploration should stand still but that more emphasis should be given on the economy and its people according to the condition of India presently. more capital can be invested once we become strong from an economical stand point.

  3. Anushka Patel

    it may be good for first world countries but I live in India which is a third world country and i believe it is necessary that first we focus on basic infra and development then on space exploration

  4. Anugrah Jo Anna Charles

    well, that was a good discussion sort of stuff …. it was good reading it, but to persuade someone u need some facts …. otherwise the language and the vocabulary used was impressive …… comparing images, facts related to popular countries, examples of people working on the topic..these could add a great lead to the topic discussed.

    • Team GD Ideas

      Thanks for the suggestions Anna. Points noted!

  5. Tinku Paul

    According to me we are living in India our economy is not very strong and we are not very reach I e we think spent money for space exploration it’s a wastage rather it better used for eradication of poverty. But fund allocated separately and very less amount allocated for space exploration and more money for eradication of poverty. As eradication of poverty required and space research is required because of we get the information of climate change it is very essential we already aware of global warming and know sea level rising and ground water level decreasing, if we will not take precaution then near future we all will be in trouble secondly from space research we get advance technology it is very important in our daily life. As well as it is very important for defence sector so it’s not wastage of money it’s required.

  6. Anonymous

    Boondoggle. Always has always will be.

  7. Lou Lou

    I don know if you see this but this whole essay is based of opinions you have not backed it up with any information . It is a goood esay if you are trying to express point of view, but in order to sway someone you need proof

    • Team GD Ideas

      Thanks for your feedback. we will improvise the article.

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