How to deal with international terrorism?

how to deal with international terrorism


  • Terrorism refers to the violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror).
  • Lakhs of innocent people have died because of terrorism. And so many people were badly affected. In the modern world, terrorism is one of the biggest challenges for the entire world.
  • In general, terrorists cause bombings, kidnappings, armed Attacks, hijackings.

Intentions of terrorists:

Not all terrorists have the same intentions. The following are some of the main reasons why they chose to become terrorists.

  • Some terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They think that they are fighting for a good reason. There is saying – “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”.
  • Some terrorists want to create fear in public.
  • To catch the media attention.
  • To get money easily.
  • To decrease the country’s economy by discouraging foreign investments and tourists.
  • To make their religion as the only religion in the world or to make it as the supreme religion.


  • Negligence or injustice by the government.
  • Discrimination.
  • Perceived negligence/discrimination.
  • Poverty.
  • Illiteracy.
  • Religious extremism.
  • Extreme nationalism.
  • Unemployment.


  • Eradicating poverty.
  • Solving the unemployment problem
  • Creating awareness among people, so that they won’t get influenced/radicalised to join in terrorism.
  • Severe punishments for creating panic among the public.
  • Deploying personnel to counter-terrorism.
  • Justice must not be denied and it should not be delayed too.
  • Everyone must know the true meaning of religion and also the truth that killing people is against God.


Terrorism can be completely eradicated if Govt. concentrate mainly on the causes of it because prevention is better than cure. We all have to join our hands to make the world a better place to live in.

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    First of all we should understood what is Terrorism . When some people or group of people don’t believe in democracy and attack on innocent people , soldiers and religious place and kill them. Terrorist talk his required on the gun point .
    Terrorism is the biggest problem for whole world in these days .
    Terrorist want that all countries follow their rules .
    They can easily earn money .
    They thought that they don’t have on a wrong way but fight for own interest .
    Some countries give place to terrorist for his opposite country’s destroyed . Like Pakistan gives place to terrorist and give training to fight with Indian soldiers .
    Pakistan.want to decrease Indian economic development and frighten among Indian people .
    Reason of making terrorist –
    Inequaly treat by the nation , don’t give respect .
    Poverty, illiteracy , lack of money , greedy thought is make them terrorist .
    Some people become terrorist because of religious issue.
    For the solve this problem we should attend our mind on the reason of becoming terrorist .
    Terrorism issues make international issues and discuss on this and find proper solution .
    Give employment to Poor people for fill their daily recuirment .
    Don’t doing injustice behaviour with low population or low caste people.
    Get permission by the powerful country and attack on terrorist place and destroyed them.
    Who country resort the terrorists all country pressure on them and don’t business with them.
    Thank you

    • dav

      Why mutual understanding of their cause behind their propaganda and resolve the issue with help of the govt and international alliance made by the multilateral organization of nation and find cause where the locality of problem exist for specific issue and especially local govt also give attention to their problem and if not able to assist them and then rise request in UN assembly for assistance for particular programme which causes menace to society by them.

  2. Tinku paul

    According to me terrorism is the biggest threat all over the world so all the country should join hands to combat the terrorism. Government has to find out the route cause of terrorism. Those people they are leaving in the bordering area they are neglected by the Govt. year after year their livelihood is very poor ,they don’t have education system, they don’t have health system even they don’t get civic amenities. Some of the powerful man they want to take over the country , they lure poor people to give better life ,lot of money and misguide them in the name God they are doing this.But no religion says for violation ,all the religion says for peace. Govt.has to take care of eradication of poverty, eradication of illiteracy and adequate job for those poor people and required strong awareness of the true meaning of religion. Actually powerful person they are taking the advantage they want to threat the destroy the national property and kill innocent people.Govt has to take strong action against them.

    • Team GD Ideas

      Well said!!! Eradication of poverty is one of the main steps to tackle this menace.

  3. sandip sinha


    Dealing with international terrorism is one the major challenge in the world.As terrorist and terrorism have no boundaries and differences because of its cruelty,destruction against innocent peoples all over the world.As” prevention is better than cure” so surely the govt. and the world leaders must approach towards the destruction the roots of terrorism rather than hanging the terrorists.Govt needs to concentrate the basic needs of people and has to be committed to the fulfillment of the basic needs i.e,foods,clothes,shelter to all.

    • Team GD Ideas

      That’s right. Inclusive society is the need of the hour.


    thanqu for sharing good information regarding the group discussion

  5. anusha

    Yaa one thing i can say that from the above said lines prevention is better than cure the government should definetly try to understand the difficulties or the problems faced by the common people. Definetly terrorism comes out from the lack of jobs, frustations and imbalances in the no religion killing of people is not quoted, but only due to people getting lack of all the facilities or the government not responding to the public.Many terrorist are the young ones they are blindly following their religion and turning themselves into terrorist. They are themselves dieing and also taking many lives with them which makes many families leaving behind.and also the country being terrored for the incidents.definetly the governement should take an immediate action on the terrorist for the cause rather being them imprisioned

  6. Sakshi Chaudhary

    Hello every one
    Terrorism is a violent act that will directly target the safety of the civilians and their protection in every manner. In my opinion International Terrorism is big issue thus must require individual contribution for eradicating poverty, which is the main cause of terrorism in any country. If you are more interested in more discussion visit International terrorism discussion

  7. Anonymous

    thank u … very good and brief content!


  8. Anonymous


  9. Anonymous

    nice data thank you for sharing

  10. Anonymous

    thank you for sharing that knowledge in proper sequence

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