Plastic Pollution

plastic pollution

What is Plastic pollution:

  • Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic on earth which is negatively impacting the environment and living beings. Plastic is non-biodegradable and takes approx 500 to 1000 years to completely degrade.

The intensity of the situation:

  • We are inhaling and literally eating plastic. A lot of plastic wastage is dividing into smaller particles and are mixing in air and inland. And hence we are inhaling the plastic particles and eating the plants that absorbed plastic from the land.

Causes of Plastic pollution:

  • Usage of plastic products in increased multifold, and hence the production of plastic is rapidly increased.
  • There are no cheap alternatives to plastic bags and other plastic products. Plastic is very inexpensive, and hence is being used by almost everyone.
  • There is no proper awareness among the public about the ill-effects of plastic usage.
  • Though there are bans on plastic bags, the alternatives are not encouraged enough.
  • There is no responsibility assigned to manufacturers of plastic products and hence the production of plastic is still high. Many things such as food items, cosmetic products are all wrapped in plastic because once the products are sold, there is no responsibility of the plastic wastage on manufacturers.
  • Only 21% of the plastic is recycled (till 2017) and all the remaining plastic garbage is polluting air, land and oceans. Recyclable plastic items are also thrown into the garbage and are not being recycled.
  • Single-use plastic items constitute half of the plastic pollution.

Effects of Plastic pollution:

  • Plastic garbage is causing land, air and water pollution.
  • Discarded plastic items are dividing into small particles and we are inhaling those particles. When the plastic is burned along with other garbage, it releases poisonous chemicals into air which causes severe health problems.
  • Most of the plastic waste is mixing in oceans, posing severe problems for marine life. A lot of ocean animals are dying by eating plastic waste. Fishes are eating polystyrene (small plastic particles). When we eat these ocean fishes, we are indirectly eating plastic.
  • Plastic waste is polluting land and groundwater as well. Plants are absorbing small plastic particles. Plastic waste is preventing rainwater from seeping into the ground. These products clog drains as well. Bangladesh witnessed worse floods due to plastic waste and hence imposed ban on plastic.
  • Many animals are dying by eating plastic covers.
  • These days everything including food is wrapped in plastic. When these products are exposed to heat, it releases dangerous chemicals such as BPA (bisphenol-a) into food. The same goes for plastic bottles as well. This causes severe health problems when consumed.
  • Polyvinyl chloride & polycarbonates that are present in plastic waste causes skin diseases, cancers etc.
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Steps taken in India:

  • In India, the ban on plastic is different in different states. Recently Mumbai, the biggest plastic waste generator banned the sale, import and usage of single-use plastic.
  • Plastic covers below 50 microns are banned in India because thinner bags pose a major threat to the environment and are not recyclable.
  • Single-use plastic is banned in 18 states of India. The Indian government has set a target to eliminate single-use plastics by 2022.
  • Almost all states started charging for plastic covers. But this move is ineffective because plastic covers cost just 2 or 3 rs. and everyone is ready to buy them.
  • Plastic ban in Sikkim is very effective when compared with all other states of India.

Best Practices worldwide:

  • Rwanda banned plastic since 2008 and is likely to become the first plastic-free country in the world. The plastic ban in Rwanda is effective because the punishments of selling and using plastic are severe. People are fined, jailed and even forced to make public confessions if they use plastic.
  • Approx 40 countries like India, England, China, Australia etc imposed partial bans and heavy taxes on plastic.
  • Sweden is the best country in effectively recycling almost everything including plastic.
  • In Ireland, plastic bags are made very expensive. This step worked well and the usage of plastic bags reduced drastically.

What needs to be done:

  • Alternatives to plastic bags and covers should be encouraged by subsidies etc.
  • Awareness programs on ill-effects of plastic should be conducted on a war-footing.
  • Plastic waste should be effectively recycled by constructing roads and houses etc. with plastic waste.
  • We should target the production stage. Supply of plastic items is too high. Manufacturers should be made liable for the waste.
  • Imposing responsibility and heavy fines to manufacturers will force them to look for alternatives to pack their goods, for example, some soaps are now being packed in paper materials instead of plastic.
  • At an individual level, we should reduce plastic usage as much as possible. For example, carrying cloth bags to the market, using steel water bottles can be our first step to transform our lives into plastic-free.
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Along with implementing bans on plastic goods, alternative eco-friendly materials should be encouraged. People should feel responsible for the plastic waste they are throwing. To make everyone feel responsible, extensive awareness programs are needed. Eliminating the need for plastic goods and recycling & upcycling of the plastic waste will save earth from plastic pollution.

Your Turn…

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  1. sjk

    Hello, thank you for this article. It is heartbreaking to read that only 21% of plastic is recycled. We should take some vast steps to improve the situation. Rwanda and Sweden are good examples of taking responsability and action.

  2. Ylva and Anna

    The article was enlightening, more people should be made aware of the severity of our plastic problems.

  3. Linus

    The issue of plastic waste presents an exceedingly grave and pressing concern. I am of the firm conviction that the dissemination of knowledge and consciousness regarding this matter is of paramount significance. It is incumbent upon us, as individuals, to play a role in mitigating this crisis; nevertheless, the lion’s share of responsibility should squarely rest upon the shoulders of industries, manufacturers, and governmental bodies.

  4. Joe

    Nice summary of plastic pollution. It was nice and handy to have it all summarized. It helped us get a better picture of plastic pollution and how it affects our eco-system.

    Best regards, Joe

  5. Anna Hiitola

    Plastic waste is a very serious problem. I believe that it is very important to spread awareness on this. It’s especially important that we all take a part in helping, but mostly the industries, manufacturers and governments should be held responsible. I believe that putting taxes and laws on plastic products and packaging should be done in the whole world, and recycling programs should be accessible to everyone.

  6. bigwille

    I think we need to recycle more and reduce the use of plastics in everyday life.
    I also think the law should take heavier actions on cruiser ships dumping waste into the ocean. Not just fines cause they have the money. Jail time would be proper.

  7. Vikash Choudhary

    As we all know that plastic is not only harmful our environment but also it’s harmful everyone who live on the earth.
    Plastic cause many illness like that are fatal of our life. There is a lot of reasons increase plastic pollution lack of awareness, irresponsible towards environment. Plastic does not easily recyclied. Today everything is covered with pollithing even eating food also covered . We can’t Stop using plastic but we can decrease the use of plastic.
    So in the last i want to say it’s our responsibility to clean our planet .

  8. vivek kumar

    i agree with all of you but in my point of view plastic pollution is very dangerous not only in our country but also all over the world. many people plastic throgh in rivers and others places . in this situation water and AIR POLLUTION ALSO spread.beacause plastic is not totally melt .in this situation our goverment should take action seriously rapidly .i think our govt place to place keep plastic our enviromental can be harmfull . this is not only responsbility of goverment but also all world population responsbility we can not stopped but we can reduce the plastic us . as we can not take plastic bottels and in market do not take plastic bags and other types to nreduce plastic . then our enviroment and we are safe by plastic pollution . other country is also be aware of plastic use . in servey 2017 6.9 billion pplastic waste and 6.3 billion tons plastioc recyled over . this is not good
    IN THE NUTSHELL ….Iwant to say that we can reduce plastic use . beacause plastic is very harmul for us and many animals . and we should follow the istruction of govt .that’s all about

  9. Shukla Das

    Plastic palution is a great threat in our country . All we have to promise for not useing then automatically our government will think for another process otherwise it will be very impossible . For harmful plastic s we suffer a lot. We are eating plastic by air . Sometimes we see harmful plastic got stuck in drenag area then waterlogging . Plastic cannot melt properly that’s why we have to suffer from watch and every corner. Our government should take proper dicition for harmful plastic.

  10. Pradeep kumar

    Please… Upload….. Topic- eve trase

  11. pooja khyalia

    I think first of all there must be alternatives of plastic then it can be eliminated like jute bags but they can also cannot be used in packaging so it seems impossible to eliminate it but surely can be reduced by cloth bags for daily use………………

  12. maniaknta

    hi everyone. reducing plastic pollution is impossible.but we can recycle it by following steps.
    1.govt must be launch a program.






  13. Shruti Saxena

    In my opinion when government did not find cheap alternatives of plastic . It’s not possible to eliminate completely. Government should spend money on research and development team, which make only biodegradable plastics.

    • Team GD Ideas

      True that! Without alternatives, plastic usage may not be reduced.

      • Vijay Prajapat

        Jai hind everyone palstic pollution is big threat in our environment plastic pollution is not only negative impact in our environment but also many people burning plastic it to direct negative impact in our ozone layer in that time earth temperature increasing day by day mainly reason single use plastic many people direct throwing river it can also negative impact aquatic animal on the other hand in that time all the many types of things under the covert of plastic it

  14. Abdul hakim khan

    In my opinion it is a major issue in present era. Using plastic has became a trend in the society. Besides they know harm of that. As it it is polluting air water and even all atmosphere where the human being lives it is also the major cause of severe illness like cancer, breath problem, asthama and many more. Sofirst of all, the society must be fully aware of the problems caused by the plastic uses. The govt has to launch social awareness programmes at all level in cities villages in time to time. And to restrict the manufacturer of plastic for a limit and then ban it totally to manufacture. Imposing high taxes on manufacturer is also a good step by the govt as the manufacturer may divert their mind to the look over the alternatives. To make the Country plastic free the social awareness is very necessary. Govt has to take hard to change the mind set of society using plastic. Thanks

  15. vishal tyagi

    hi everyone our topic is plastic pollution so what is pollution is that which effect on health, growth of all living things . plastic pollution in our country a maximum number of people are still using plastic bags , gadgets that is not decompose easily it takes minimum 400 years to decompose , causes of plastic is cheaper alternative available in market available 2. manufacturer still manufacturing higher quantity of plastic items 3. no peoples takes resposiblity 4.alternatives are not easily available in market in comprasion to plastic item s effect of plastic pollution 1. it cause skin disease and cancer 2. it effect the health of all living things 3. it cause of air , land , water pollution relieves posioner chemicals in the air . thank you

  16. Amratbhai

    Along with plastic using mobile phones all the time has become a necessity and fashion to use it while waking, driving, getting on and off public transport, visiting someone and much more, people are addicted to it. It is time to explore `damage it may be causing before it becomes an issue like getting rid of plastic habit.

  17. Narendra

    Please upload the situation of beggars in India

  18. Abhishek

    Plastic pollution is biggest challange for our country. I think plastic increases because of mainly two factors one is cheap rate and other is major people do not know their harmful effects. Many states banned plastic but it is not very successful. government should take strict action against it ,make strict rules and aware rural people about their disadvantages.

  19. Aditya

    well, just saying in a line is very easy that we should not use plastic bags & all.
    but the bitter truth is even after saying that statement we don’t change we use plastic as before.It’s not our fault completely we are just used to with.
    how can think of a lifestyle without plastic at a sudden ya it has ill-effects but we should find some ways to recycle the completely like ireland do.
    when we go to market to buy veg. we need bags, when we buy grocery we need it, when we buy cloths,gifts,books,copies,cakes etc……… so we just can’t vanish these habits at a sudden.

  20. Swati Thakur

    Yes.This is the time to change people’s mindset and specifically for rural area.Awareness is needed to know the people how it is harmful for us as well as we should start a campaign for it.Only ban the plastic is not enough.An strict government authority should be there to monitoring all these stuff how successful it is implementing.

    • Team GD Ideas

      Yes Swati! Successful implementation is required.

  21. amit bhandari

    for eliminating plastic
    there should be awarness of cons of plastic, how it effects the environment , health through edible and potable items, bottom to top strategy should be followed means dwindle the production first , and there should be alternative to plastic like paper bags , reuseable bags etc. the policy like return plstic and take money should be started .. maharastra started the same policy in july lets see whats the results we get

  22. Tinku paul

    Plastic pollution is a biggest threat of our country. We everybody has to take oath we will not use plastic goods and plastic bags etc. When we will go to the market to buy some vegetables or grocery item we will carry the cloth bags and we will not use plastic water bottle ,if we will not use the plastic products then manufacturers also will think for alternative product and Govt. should impose heavy penalty those are manufacturing plastic items . Plastic makes the pollution air ,water and land pollution ,it is non-biodegradable and it takes long time to make it degradable. Not only it is pollution for air and water indirectly we eat plastic, plastic mixing ocean water and ocean fish eats plastic, when we eat ocean fish indirectly we eat plastic.Many ocean animals also gets die to eat plastic. We throw plastic on the road it clog the drain as a result of waterlogging. It requires strong awareness not to use plastic, if use they have to pay the penalty. This practice should be stopped . Habit is the second nature of man ,if we practice when we will go to market we will carry our cloth bag then there will be no problem, in this way we can stop use plastic.

    • Team GD Ideas

      That’s right Tinku. Using plastic became our habit and we need to change this.

    • Amratlal Davda

      This is problem for every country in the world. Not as you say ” Plastic pollution is a biggest threat of our country “.

      • hessuspesssu

        The point of the text is that it is not only a threat to ONE country it is a threat to the whole world and we need to do something about it. The one dosen’t take away from the other. #staygreen

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