Articles By This Author

Economic GD Topics

Banks levying charges on cash transactions – Is it a good move?

Theme :-
  • Large banks of India like SBI, HDFC and ICICI decided to impose limit on cash transactions on monthly basis and will levy charges on cash transactions exceeding free ones.
  • HDFC, ICICI and Axis banks started this charges from
Political GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Union Budget 2017-18 – Is it beneficial for the common man?

What is Union Budget :-
  • Union Budget is the annual report of India’s finances for the financial year.
  • Till 2016, Union budget was presented on the last working day of February. From 2017, it is being presented on February 1st,
Ethical GD Topics

Experimenting on Animals – Is it fair?

Why animals are used in research :-
  • There are some diseases for which cure isn’t invented yet. To end people’s suffering, new drugs need to be invented. Newly made drugs cannot be experimented directly on human beings, because the effects
Environment GD Topics General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should stray animals be killed?

Theme :-
  • On January 18th, 2017, Supreme Court reacted negatively to petitioner asking for totally destroying stray dogs across India and said that “Stray dogs too have a right to live“.
In Favor :-
  • A lot of dog bite incidents
Student suicides
Education GD Topics Social GD Topics

Student Suicides – What are the deep rooted problems?

Causes of student suicides :-
  • What is causing them to suicide –
    • Pressure in studies.
    • Family problems
    • Physical & mental Illnesses.
    • Drug addiction.
    • Love failures.
    • Financial problems.
    • Failure in exams.
    • Unemployment.
    • Unable to adjust to the college’s culture.
    • Self-deprecating.
    • Depression.