What can we do to eradicate poverty?



  • In 1991, there are 150 million Indians who claim themselves to be of the poor. In 2001, the number rises up to 230 million Indians.
  • According to UNICEF “Every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation”.
  • In India if the family’s income is not at least $1 per day, they are considered as poor.


  • Increase in population.
  • Illiteracy.
  • Unemployment.
  • Big families.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Spending their little money for drinking, smoking instead of saving.
  • Some people cannot work. For example old aged, Some handicapped person.
  • Natural disasters such as floods, cyclone and drought.
  • Laziness.
  • Some rural areas have less communication with cities due to lack of transport facilities.
  • Instability of Govt.
  • Corruption.
  • Poor health.
  • Unequal distribution of land and resources.
  • Gambling.


  • Education must be free of cost in rural areas.
  • We should motivate them to start self-employment, and to utilize their skills( Govt. is already providing free training programs to improve skills) etc.
  • Through medical and health programs.
  • Govt. must provide water facilities, roads in the rural areas.
  • It’s better to not encourage them to be lazy, by donating money to them. There is a saying that “The worst thing you can do to eradicate poverty is start giving the poor people free rides”.
  • Increase in number of jobs.
  • Govt. must pass a rule for having a limit to the land owned by the family.
  • Govt. must increase the number of training institutes in rural areas. Because “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
  • Through awareness programs about reducing population. Some poor people are remaining in poverty because of more no. of children.
  • Awareness programs about the consequences of smoking and drinking, and about saving money. Money saved is the money earned.
  • We should not encourage child labor.
  • Awareness programs about conserving rain water.
  • The black money which is in swiss bank at present, must be taken by Govt. and it should be utilized for eradicating poverty.
  • we should not encourage beggars.
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             Poverty can be be totally eradicated, if govt. and as well as we have a strong will to do so.
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  1. Amit Lakhaani

    Very Useful Information Shared!

    PRADAN seeks to enable poor rural families to live a life of dignity by impacting livelihoods to enable rural communities PRADAN’s mission is rooted in a clear understanding of the societal contexts that make poverty in India complex, a phenomenon which thrives in various interrelated factors.

    Please visit http://www.pradan.net to read further about pradan's cause


    sir please discuss some technical topics



  4. Anonymous

    religious into politics

  5. Shyam PSB

    Hi Appu Srva,Really The content & way of Presentation at this blog is very point2point,

    I would like to share about this blog among my friends also,

    And,Please can u give some light on the "Role of NGO's in India"

    Thanks & Regards:
    Shyam Pratap Singh Bais
    MBA Aspirant.

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