Hard Work vs Smart Work

Hard Work vs Smart Work

Hard Work vs Smart Work:

Smart work:-

  • Advantages of Smart work:-

    • Smart work is intellectual. Hence it improves our innovative and creative thinking skills.
    • Smart work improves productivity.
    • It teaches time management skills.
    • Because of smart work, we now have more free time. For example, modern transport systems reduced effort and time in moving to another place.
    • Smart work forces us to concentrate on work fully because it demands mental presence too.
  • Disadvantages of Smart work:-

    • Smart work may make us lazy, as we get used to doing less work and get more output.
    • Mere smart work may not yield results. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. Hence we cannot completely rely on smart work.
    • To work smartly, at first we need knowledge about the work, which comes only with hard work and experience.
    • We cannot teach hard work to smart working persons if they are not willing to work hard.

Hard work:-

  • Advantages of Hard work:-

    • Through hard work, we gain knowledge and experience. This will help us to do smart work, that means we can then analyse shortcuts to do the same amount of work.
    • Hard work teaches us patience and discipline.
    • The result of hard work will be more appealing to us because we put a lot of effort into achieving it.
    • Everyone will choose hardworking persons to work under them.
    • We can teach smart work to hard-working people and we can be sure about the improved productivity because they work hard.
  • Disadvantages of Hard work:-

    • Hard work may become boring and monotonous.
    • It consumes a lot of time and effort.
    • If we fail after doing so much hard work, it’ll be very difficult to cope up with it.
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We need to work hard as well as smart to achieve success in our lives. Only one of both will not be sufficient in this modern world. And hence both hard work and smart work are essential to succeed in life.

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Your Turn…

What is your opinion on this topic? What do you do when you have to choose between hard work and smart work? Express your thoughts in the comment section below. And subscribe to our blog to read answers to the trending GD topics.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. Anjali

    It is very useful to me and my brothers

    • Team GD Ideas

      Thank you for the positive feedback Anjali.

  2. Sukla das

    Smart work and hard work both are equal and essential. Without hardwork smart work will not fulfill. If you do hardwork then you will be abale to do smart work. Like as people are useing properly computer but they had to learn first by hardwork. Otherwise it will be not possible. Without hardwork playful people can’t hold the smar work for a longtime.

  3. Pinki Saha

    In my opinion in this topic we can teach smart work to hard working person and we can be sure about the improved productivity because they work hard.

  4. Shrushti Mulage

    Hard work & smart work plays a key role in our lives especially in 21st century. Both are incomplete without each other. So, whenever we are working on something we just need to combine both style of work which will ultimately led us to suceed in our project.
    If one has to choose any one of them i would prefer going with “Hard Work”. Hard work is such work style which is required everywhere irrespective of any field or work.

  5. Ganesh Singh

    as per my openinon hard work is more important bcs it gives us knowledge and experience .person can use his intellectual skill only if he has knowledge and experience. by which make person more creative and productive. so smart work is only possible if person is hard worker.

  6. Rachel Vaz

    Hardwork is the key. Throughout everyone has to work hard, be it in school, college, office,etc You have to learn, understand and apply. Hardwork creates a base for us to smartwork. As once we know the knowledge behind something we can smartly apply it in our work.

    • Riya

      If you can incorporate working hard and smart together, you will achieve great heights and lead yourself to a better life. One who works hard and smart will in due course of time procure all the benefits and rake in the golden opportunity to probably not work at all.

  7. Deepa Ramanathan

    No shortcuts to success. It has to be a combination of both. Hard work is the foundation and smart work is the floors that are built on top of the foundation.

  8. Abha Shivhare

    Smart work comes after hard work
    For example if someone started a new thing then that they don’t need smartness that time one should be more focused on the work because hardwork pays off always!
    After than only you can think of a new way to do that particular work in short time and makes you smarter.

  9. Tinku paul

    According to me hard work is the key of success first I have to gain my knowledge , if I don’t have any experience and I use smart technic I will not be able to manage. If I am a hard working person I have knowledge of this work and then I use smart technic , I will get more productivity, good output.But in the modern world we have to get knowledge of smart technology, if I think only smart work I can get success it is not possible , for time being I can get success but for long I have to work hard .So hard work and smart work both are essential to get success.

    • Team GD Ideas

      Right Tinku! Both smart work & hard work are essential for achieving success.

  10. Ila

    Hard work should be our 1st preference because through hard work only we can go for smart work. As in with hard work we gain knowledge experience…which is the basic for smart work.. Thereafter by doing smart work we can enhance our creativity that furthur adds to our personality..so both are mutually dependent

    • Manvi Rawat

      According to me,Both are important.If we are putting lots of efforts in our work but not using tricks and not enjoying the work,at the end it will sure become lazy.But without working hard we can’t choose the way of doing smart work.Thankyou

  11. Seema jain

    Smart work is better but one really need to work hard to get succees

  12. Rao Abdul Qadir

    Im going with hard work because of hard work we can achive anything, with hard work may be we will take some extra time but when we are going with hard work absolutely we will achive success in our work…
    I’m not completely against smart work because when we are working smartly, we may or may not achieve our goals,but if we put hard work and smart work, then the possibility of achieving the goals will be increased. We can save our time when we are working in both ways. But when we go with hard work absolutly, you will achieve your goal and when we go with smart work, u may or may not achieve success.

    • Harsh Singh

      Very amazing article has been written and I think that because of this many people must have got the right direction.

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