Causes of Air pollution in India :-
- Increasing usage of Automobiles.
- Dust kicked up by vehicles moving on roads.
- Increasing constructions and demolitions of buildings.
- Increasing demand for houses is leading to deforestation, which is worsening the quality of air further.
- Industrialization.
- Burning of crop residue. This is highly prevalent in Punjab and Haryana.
- Burning of garbage.
- Still many Indians are using firewood and cow dung for cooking.
- Greenhouse gas emissions due to burning of biomass residue.
- Usage of diesel vehicles.
- Adulterated fuel blends by many Indian taxis and auto rickshaws. These adulterants increase emissions of harmful pollutants from vehicles, worsening urban air pollution.
Effects of Air pollution :-
- Negative impact on health of humans as well as other living beings. Mainly, children and old people are vulnerable to adverse health effects caused by air pollution.
- Air pollution is the leading environment cause of death. In 2015, India reported 11 lakh deaths due to air pollution.
- Increase in spread of non-communicable diseases due air pollution has accounted for 62% of the total diseases in India.
Steps Taken by Indian Government :-
- Government of India enacted the “Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA)” under article 253 of the constitution after the dreadful incident of Bhopal gas tragedy.
- Indian government removed subsidies for polluting cooking gases to improve access to clean fuel for household cooking.
- The Delhi government has tried odd-even rule to reduce air pollution.
- Supreme Court banned registrations of diesel cars above 2000cc in Delhi, which is one of the highest air polluted cities of India.
- Indian government banned firecrackers on weddings.
- Burning of solid waste is banned.
What more needs to be done :-
- Allocation of more funds for afforestation projects.
- Betterment of public transportation.
- Enhancing the quality of roads.
- Encouraging community forests.
- Incentives for Eco-friendly buildings.
- Encouraging the usage of clean fuels.
- Investing more in energy generation from renewable resources.
- Encouraging work from home culture to reduce vehicular pollution.
Best Practices in Other Countries:-
- ‘Paris’ has set few good practices such as implementing odd-even bans on vehicles, making public transport free during high pollution days and encouraging car & bike-pooling.
- ‘Netherlands’ is working on plans to to ban the sale of all petrol and diesel cars from 2025 and allowing only electric or hydrogen vehicles.
- ‘Copenhagen’ now has more bicycles than people.
Conclusion :-
Everyone has a right to clean environment. Air pollution also needs attention just like cleanliness issue. With the help of technological advancement and public support, government needs to work for the reduction of air pollution levels on a war-footing.
Your Turn…
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Nowadays in our country there is major problem of air pollution. One thrid of dead from lungs cancer and heart disease due air pollution, this is having equivalent an effect of smoking of tabcoo. Air pollution is hard to escape, all around there is microscopic particles which deep inside to our body causing effects respiratory system and circulatory system dancing our lungs, brains and heart. Air pollution can effect our internal bodies as well as skin.
Thank you so much for giving us advise to control air pollution
To consider one point as dangerous for falling quality of air will be bised thing because there is a group of factor which combines and give birth to this problem………….We need to understand it and one of the important factor is population ………….we all can give a big speech on this that the smoke ejected by vehicles is dangerous to our air but when it comes to us we all use personal vehicle if we have any,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so I think we can take a step by atleast using a public vehicle and use private vehicle if necessary………………I am not having any vehicle may be that is why I am saying this because lecturing is simple but adopting is very tough so if we will take a single step this problem can fall short ………….addition to this we can stop burning plastics that pollute air a lot …………….some imp.pollutants like co2,no2,PM2.5,co are the most dangerous for air surrounding us ,,,,so it is up yo us to choose if we want to make our future suffocate or breathe clean air ……………….Jai hind
As we now air pollution adverse effect our internal organs as well as our skin. The things around us are essential to meet our daily needs which are main cause of pollution like generators, vehicles, constructions of houses and buildings etc. We can minimize usage of these things but we can’t by-cot them. Plantation of more plants only the solution of air pollution. So we must be plant at least 10 plants in every year or more. average life of a person in India is 75 yrs and above. So a person can be planted 750 plants in his entire life. than you can multiply with total population of country.
Govt should also provide govt land for plantation and cover that land at least 15yrs so that plants can grow well, in addition regulate a policy for every citizen should planted at least 10 plants in year. It can help to minimize the air pollution in next fifteen years.
Accoding to me Kolkata’s air pollution level is very high. Populations are increasing day by day, vehicles are increasing day by day as a result pollution level is increasing.Concritization and high rise building I e deforestation,trees are hacked to death.Peoples are suffering from various types of disease like breathing problem ,lung problem etc. Air pollution it’s a biggest threat . Everybody has to take care like cleanliness drive. Plantation is very essential, only trees can maintains the balance of our environment,then problem can solve otherwise we everybody has to suffer.