Articles By This Author

impact of covid-19 on global economy
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics International GD Topics

Impact of COVID-19 on Global economy

Just like past pandemics, Covid too is coming in waves. At the time when countries are recovering from the first wave, several countries are facing a second wave of Covid and thereby weakening their economic recovery.

Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 35 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Today’s Topic – Freedom of speech in India

print media vs digital media
General GD Topics

Print Media vs Digital Media

Print media is just one-way communication. It gives information to the public, but consumers cannot share their opinions. Even though some newspapers publish readers’ mails, it is not user-friendly.

Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 34 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Today’s Topic – Influence of Media on Public Opinion

Let's Discuss

Let’s Discuss – Day 33 | Participate in the Group Discussion

Today’s topic – Heavy fines for traffic rules violation is the panacea to road accidents