Why is earth losing its greenery
Environment GD Topics

Why is earth losing its greenery?

Points to speak:
  • As the population is continuously increasing, there is a growing need for housing, which is resulting in the cutting of trees.
  • Agriculture is also another reason for deforestation. Agriculture was started approximately 12,000 years ago. Since then,
how to improve the standard of sports in India
Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

How to improve the standard of sports in India

How to improve the standard of sports in India:
  • There should be adequate infrastructure, equipment and human resources in schools and colleges to guide and train students in sports.
  • Awareness of sports should be given to children and young people.
caste census - pros & cons
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics

Caste census – Pros & Cons

  • Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has demanded the central government to conduct a caste census in the upcoming population census, 2021. Some political parties are also in favour of conducting the caste census.
What is caste census:
  • Population census
Use of technology in social movements
General GD Topics Social GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Use of technology in social movements

Points to speak:
  • Social media is helping in gathering the support of a large number of people for many social movements. For example, in the early 2010s, many activists in the middle east used Twitter and Facebook to organise protests
food or ethics
Abstract GD Topics

Food or Ethics?

Points to speak:
  • Following ethics results in having peace of mind and true happiness. We can sleep happily when we are sure that we didn’t commit a mistake.
  • But sometimes, following ethics is expensive because not everyone can afford it.