Open economy – Role of MNCs in India

role of MNCs in India


  • Multinational Corporations (MNC) operate in more than one country.
  • In 1991, India faced an economic crisis and to lift the country out of the crisis, the Indian government rolled out economic reforms, and hence openly opted for economic liberalisation. This allowed private investments and thereby MNCs to operate in India.
  • Initially, many economists expressed fears over allowing MNCs to India. But with time, everyone is agreeing that MNCs are playing an important role in India and have been helpful for our economy.

Role of MNCs in India:

  • Governments have many responsibilities such as alleviating poverty, providing social security and to develop the nation financially etc. But with limited funds, it has to prioritise the things to do. In the process, it is very difficult for governments of developing countries to invest in economic development. MNCs help governments in this case and bring a lot of foreign investment which paves the way for the economic development of the country.
  • Unemployment is one of the serious problems of India. MNCs provide employment opportunities and helps in solving the unemployment issue to some extent. As the wages will in turn be spent on buying goods and services in India, it’ll be helpful for the Indian economy.
  • The government will also get revenue in the form of taxes that MNCs pay.
  • MNCs are also helpful in knowledge transfer. As MNCs operate in more than one country, they practically test and implement the best strategies. This technological and knowledge transfer helps the host countries.
  • As MNCs give tough competition to domestic companies, people will get better quality products at lower prices.
  • As many MNCs reinvest their profits in the host countries in general, it will be a plus to the host countries’ economy.
  • MNCs have better access to foreign markets. Some MNCs in India are tapping export markets and are helpful in improving the overall exports of India and thereby help in reducing trade deficits.
  • MNCs helps host countries in maintaining better relations not just with their home countries, but also with the countries that they have trade relations.
  • Indian MNCs are improving the status of India in the international community.


In the modern world, globalisation is inevitable. Though there were so many fears when India allowed MNCs into the country, they have been playing an important role in India’s economic development. But not all MNCs are helpful for the host country. Some companies establish their businesses in other countries with the only motive of capturing the domestic market. Governments should be cautious in allowing this type of companies.

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Image by denvit on Pixabay

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas. 


  1. Kumar Bro

    The welcoming of MNCs companies is a very good step for any country. It has many pros as well as some cons. If we are talking about pros, in regard of that i am going to say something like-
    As india facing many problems like unemployment, poverty, tax collection problem and so on. Each one of these problem can get be aleviated by some extent with welcoming of MNCs.As MNCs is generally a big company, so it has a very big setup in the country as well as a no. of branches. The local eligible people would be benefitted from the MNCs company and thus unemployment level could be reduced. Also the MNCs uses the optimised methodology for the production the company provides the best product to the customer at a affordable price. Despite of these the company also helps in increase of economy of the host country because the company uses its maximum profit for the purchasing of the maximum goods from the local market. The mncs also paying a overwhelming tax to the government so it also increase the tax collection of the country. Apart from these pros there are also some cons of mncs companies, the local company facing a very tough competition in the market and thus generally they do not get the chance of growth as their investment is not as high as mncs company and thus these companies go down. In my opinion government should provide sponsorship to the local startup alongwith welcoming of mncs. Thus both mncs and local company can get a chance of growth.

  2. San

    Foreign Direct Investment is one of the best way to increase the flow of foreign currency to our country. Other than that it also provides high quality employment opportunities. Also as a result of foreign investment varieties of products are available in our market.
    However certain cons are also there for FDI .Let me explain it through an example. MIcromax an Indian brand which was wiped out of market was once a leading cellphone manufacturing company. Micromax had gained its popularity during the monopoly of Samsung in the industry. It was of good quality and was cheap in price. But as FDI in telecom idustry increased more and more companies started to establish their firms in India. As a result the new companies provided phones which were cheaper in rate to customers and finally the brand micromax lost its hand in market and hence it vanished.
    The above example shows the direct effect of FDI in telecom industry. Likewise there are many domestic brands that lose its market due to FDI. Our country India standing second in world population doesn’t lack human brain instead we lack coordination. The CEO of Microsoft and Google are Indians. But there is no company in India to compete with these tech giants.
    In my opinion government has to take decisive steps to ameliorate the domestic sector along with the FDI to make India one among the superpowers of the world

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