Money is sweeter than honey” is a famous and self-explanatory quote. But is it really true?

Money is often seen by everyone as a panacea. Being rich is often assumed to be equal to being happy and content. But had that been the case, there wouldn’t have been so many celebrities(rich people) openly admitting their struggle with depression.

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer”. These are some of the most famous lines of Jim Carrey, a comedian, who had to struggle with depression. A lot of us believe that had we been richer half our problems would disappear but, that’s not true. If our contentment and happiness are dependent on material things that we can buy, we’ll never be satisfied. There will always be something more to buy. 

What we, as humans, really crave are Love, health, honour, loyalty and a sense of purpose. No amount of money can buy all the above-mentioned. Sure, money may buy some of it, but there’s no surety that it will last. It is very much possible that you may find an Indian army jawan more content with his work than a wall-street banker who earns lakhs every day.

That being said, money does come with a lot of perks. Crying in a Ferrari is much better than crying on a cycle (though you’re still crying in both cases). Money can definitely buy you hundreds of luxuries. Money’s positive role in our lives cannot be neglected or denied. Without money, it is impossible to survive.


In conclusion, money should be treated as an important part of life. But, it should not be treated as the goal of life itself. The greed for money can never be satisfied and any efforts made to satisfy it are futile. Money is honey but too much honey gives you diabetes.

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