Background :-
- According to world historians, globalization started when ‘Colombus’ landed on Americas, while searching for spices in 1492, and also by the exploration of world by ‘Vasco da Gama’ for trade.
- But some other historians argue that Globalization exists in the times of Harappan civilization times too. The traces of trade and transportation were found in the excavations.
- We can divide the phenomenon of globalization into three phases. First phase is the time, when it was difficult for states to interact with each other.
- Second phase starts with the technological advancement. In this phase, countries were communicating with each other easily and the trade between them was also improved.
- The third phase is the current phase, that is interdependence. In present generation, almost every country depending on other countries for resources, skills etc. And in this phase, all countries are mutually effected by each other.
In Favor :-
- Through Globalization developing countries can become developed countries.
- We can share technologies and inventions.
- We can sell our products all over the world. By exporting our products, we can improve our economy.
- India has resources of skilled manpower. So through globalization other countries invests money in India. And by that our economy improves.
- We can share the medicinal knowledge and inventions.
- We can exchange resources such as petrol, coal etc. We can import the things, which are necessary for us but not available here.
- Western countries learned a lot from east. For ex :- Yoga, Martial Arts etc. And eastern countries also learned from west. For ex :- Liberal thoughts, Dignity of labour etc.
- We can exchange fantastic books and knowledge. Thereby we all can improve.
In Against :-
- Country’s sovereignty will be at threat. Because to take decisions on trade and food security etc, nation has to face the limitations by World Trade Organization (WTO)’s policies.
- Through globalization, poor becomes poorer. Because poor people can’t get the fruits of globalization much. It is the rich, who will be benefited a lot by globalization.
- There is a chance of culture being effected.
- Non-globalized human societies will become extinct species.
- There may be a chance of forgetting their own mother tongue.
- Diseases like swine flu, anthrax etc. are spreading to other countries through the travelers.
- Due to Globalization unemployment may increases. For example, The people of USA are facing unemployment, because so many people of different countries from all over the world are migrating to USA and doing jobs there.
- We are heavily depending on other countries. And if there are any changes in the other countries, we will also get effected. For example, if oil prices increases, we have to pay more money for imports and thereby our economy will be effected.
Your Turn :- What are your thoughts on this topic? Feel free to express your opinion in the comment section below.
Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.
Globalization is necessary , people they don’t want to confine themselves in own country ,they want to expand themselves.We are getting advance technology from developing countries. We are doing Import and export business as a result counties economy is developing.Student their going to outside India for their study. As India’s population is very high, unemployed people wants to go outside India to get job. If required India can purchase advance software etc from other country it is good for us. We have already adopted western culture, other countries people like to accept India’s culture. In India different culture , different caste , different creeds , different food habits we like to stay together so globalization we have already accepted , this is good.
True! It’s a win-win situation for all countries.
Shukrann habibi… aj class mae discussion h is topic py mjhy idea mil he nhi rha tha kisi jgah sy… apki website zindabad ✌
Globalization is, of course, necessary mostly for developing countries like India, we all know India has a huge populated country and far backward in technology and infrastructure, to boost our deficiencies we must adopt new technologies and infrastructure from other countries. As soon as technologies improve, employability will increase, industries will grow, the education system will change, thoughts of the people will change and people will aware of the global market.
thank u i really impressed with this…………………
globalization causes multiculturalism, where all cultures merge into a very different form. That is good. But each nation would gradually lose their individual identity. The events of one place have the same effect in some other places- all because of globalization.
lokesh : Globalization is a common term for processes of international integration arising from increasing human activity and interchange of worldviews, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. In particular, advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the Internet, represent major driving factors in globalization and precipitate further interdependence of economic and cultural activities
glogalisation is very important.
we can share technologies and inventions
ver nice
thank u
thank you very nice points you have given.
Thank u giving good pnts.
must hau bhai