Theme :-

  • The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (second amendment) Bill, 2017” was passed in Lok Sabha in July 2018. This bill scrapped the ‘no-detention policy’ in schools. However the decision to implement detention policy in schools lies with state governments.
  • As many as 24 states are willing to scrap no-detention policy, whereas some other states – Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharastra, Kerala and Goa are in favor of no-detention policy.

What is Detention Policy :-

  • As per detention policy, Students who are failed in the annual exams will not be promoted to the next class.

Detention Policy in Indian Education system :-

  • When ‘Right to Education (RTE), 2009‘ act came into force, detention policy was brought to an end. To provide compulsory education to children aged 6 to 14, and to reduce the number of drop outs, no-detention policy was introduced from 1st to 8th class. So from 2009, students are being promoted to the next class till 8th standard irrespective of their results in the annual exams.
  • “The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (second amendment) Bill, 2017” amended section 16 of RTE (Right to Education) act that deals with the no-detention policy. With the amendment, common exams will be conducted for 5th and 8th class students. There will be supplementary exams for those who fail in these exams. If they couldn’t make it in the supplementary exams too, they will be held-back in the same classes and will not be promoted to the next class.
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Pros of Detention Policy :-

  • Detention policy creates fear and seriousness about education in students and teachers. Students will study well to crack the annual exams, and teachers will take the responsibility to make their students capable of getting promoted to the next class. Thereby the quality of education will be improved.
  • As per ‘National achievement survey’ which was done from 2012 to 2015, many 5th class students are not able to read their text books, some are not able to understand the content, and some children are not able to do basic math. According to ‘Annual Status of Education Report’ (ASER), 2017, many high school students (14-18 years) are not able to do basic math, cannot read a simple English sentence, cannot understand the content in their mother tongue, and some cannot even tell the time by watching at clock. This is all because they were promoted to next class irrespective of their results.
  • As everyone was treated equal, there was no distinction between the students who work-hard and those who didn’t. Hence no-detention policy doesn’t encourage hard work, whereas detention policy encourages and rewards seriousness about studies.

Cons of Detention Policy :-

  • Detention policy doesn’t guarantee improvement in quality of education as long as exams can be passed by byhearting the content. Exams should assess the overall development of students.
  • Detention policy will increase the number of drop outs. Drop outs percentage was 10% in 2005-06 academic year, whereas it was 4% in 2015-16 academic year. The major reason for this success can be attributed to no-detention policy.
  • The reason for the lack of quality education in India is not just no-detention policy, many schools in India do not have qualified teachers, basic facilities and infrastructure. Teachers retraining at regular intervals is not followed at all. All these things results in the decreasing quality of education. Punishing children for this by not promoting them to the next class will be our society’s failure.
  • Detention policy will create stress in students. Many private schools put too much pressure on students to get good grades so that they can market their schools by showing off their ranks and marks. We are witnessing student suicides as a result of this pressure. Children of primary schools will also have to undergo this stress due to detention policy.
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Conclusion :-

To provide quality education and to provide education for all are the two basic responsibilities of any government. To achieve one goal, the other one should not be compromised. There should be a balance.

Detention policy will help in improving the quality of education, but it will be discriminatory to the children who have no access to quality teachers and schools. Improving the condition of schools and the skills of teachers is a must before implementing detention policy. If ‘Comprehensive and continuous evaluation (CCE)’ system is followed well, there will be no need of detention policy.

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  • Sachin singh selal, Dec 13, 2021 @ 1:37 am Reply

    I am not in favour detention police because a single peace of paper never decide the future but some times the student didn’t think about it they leave the schools after they get fail and I have seen that many girls lose there education because there parents are not allowing them after that and then they get early marrige through which it is bad for her and also bad for our nation so we should have to look the problems and give him a chance by gravence or back paper and all because after a hole year back no one gone take study serious so I am not in a favor of it

  • Minal, Mar 17, 2019 @ 5:07 pm Reply

    Children are like clay…. Whichever way we mould them.Teachers are solely responsible to mould the students by exposing them to practical learning.CCE actually has not been understood properly to be implemented.If teachers consider CCE seriously ,there would be no need of detention policy.Every child is unique in one or the other field and it is the teacher who can perfectly judge each kid…

  • SHUBHAM, Oct 19, 2018 @ 9:04 pm Reply

    i am neither in the favor nor in the against of detention policy because of tje following reasons. this policy the private coaching institutes will earn a high amount of profit ,and they will take the advantage of fear of students, however as per the recent survey conducted by education dept. of India private coaching play as vital role in development of students.
    2.At that early age of 10-15 students might face the failure this can hurt them in future as well resulting this can make them feel low confident, however failure at that early stage can open there eyes about the hard work that they have to do for getting good marks .

  • aniket, Sep 28, 2018 @ 4:21 pm Reply

    Detention policy do not increase the talent of students, it only increases fear in students. Students learn only hard working than smart working as only byheart learning process carried by students due to burden of teachers and parents. If there is no detention policy, there is no burden on students as a result students have sufficient time to recognize their strengths and ability to use them in their future I totally support no detention policy, but it should be used with proper restriction.

  • Abhishek, Sep 26, 2018 @ 1:39 pm Reply

    I think detention policy is good for education system because its improve education quality.
    Accoding to different survey report many 5th to 8th class student are not able to solve basic maths. Due to detention policy fear students will more serious about their study.

  • Abhishek, Sep 26, 2018 @ 11:02 am Reply

    I think detention policy is good for improving education quality because of it students takes serious their study. And teacher will focused to his students. According to survey report many students of class 5th to 8th not able to solve basic maths because they promoted to next class without passing previous class.students take their study lightly due to detention policy.

  • Rajnish, Sep 22, 2018 @ 9:56 am Reply

    I think , detention policy is good to some extent because it push students towards their responsibilities and make them more aware and sincere in life. But the question is whether it will gurantee the quality of education . Exam can be passed by heartning the facts or memorising only ,Someone has said that a mere exam can not truly evaulate the knowledge of a student .So it would be better to have a good teaching learning process ,a good infrastructure , facilities , skilled and talented teachers .

  • kalidhas, Sep 20, 2018 @ 11:25 am Reply

    Detention policy will improve only the percentage not the quality of the student.for example student getting more marks unable to crack the entrance exams.Here the problem is not the student ,it’s all about our educaton system.our country is one where education is undertaken by the private and the liquor shop is run by the govt.To improve quality education,National board must be set up instead of state board.since there is a central board are running by our govt,bt it doesn’t reach the poor economic people.The National board should run instead of State board as of free and the state govt may included their state lang as one of the subject.

  • Riya chauhan, Sep 2, 2018 @ 1:44 pm Reply

    According to me detention policy should be applicable for the classes of students whether it is 1st class or 12th..there are many students who don’t knw proper ABCD but they are graduate and got the job..there are many doctors too who don’t knw about the medical prescription but they are qualified as a doctor…its not only the fault of the students but according to me,teachers and our education system is wrong as they hire uneducated teacher who don’t aware about there subjects which they are giving to students…they don’t knw abut the ways of teaching method but the authorities hire them as a last i want to conclude that most focus should be there before hiring teacher if they are not aware about their subjects than how they will give knowledge to students …if this education system is not improved then it is obvious every year there will be a large number of detention students….

  • Lakshmi Saranya Pairapu, Aug 24, 2018 @ 10:09 pm Reply

    The very essence of education is to imbibe in the knowledge in a right and efficient way and there is nothing wrong about continuous assessment and timely follow-up on the content students have learnt throughout the year.This would not only ensures robust education system but also betters the country’s standards in all respects.At the end of the day when learning is made interesting and student-friendly there would be no room for stress.

    • Team GD Ideas, Aug 30, 2018 @ 7:35 am Reply

      Well said Lakshmi!

  • Ashwath, Aug 10, 2018 @ 2:51 pm Reply

    The root cause of this problem is not education but “quality” education. The teachers should not only have proper knowledge of the subject but also have proper skill set to make the students understand what is what. If the basic concepts are not taught to them with the sense of practical ideology, all you are left with is memorizable content to put out in papers.So instead of playing detention and non-detention, we must make reforms to focus more on the quality of education.

  • Manjit, Aug 4, 2018 @ 11:16 pm Reply

    I favor the detention policy. This should be implemented at fifth and eight level. This is the parameter to access the students whether he should be promoted to next level or not. Moreover the matter of heavy stress doesn’t matter. The proper procedure and implementation will make parents and teachers well responsible. Today, education is important for everyone. A good educated and knowledge able man can stand in competitions.

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