Brain drain has to be stopped


What is brain drain?:

  • Brain drain‘ or ‘Human capital flight‘ means settling in a foreign country. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country.
  • Brain drain happens due to several reasons such as lack of opportunities & facilities in their own country, political instability etc.

In Favor – Brain drain has to be stopped:

  • In general brain drain happens in developing countries. People must utilize their knowledge and skills for their own countries to transform their countries as developed countries. Developed countries attract the citizens of developing countries by high salaries and using their skills for themselves. So, developing countries too should provide good salaries and opportunities to attract skilled manpower.
  • Skilled manpower is a big asset for any country. If brain drain is stopped, the country can utilize the skilled manpower and can improve its economy. As a result, the standard of living of citizens will increase. Then, people will stay in the country willingly and brain drain will automatically stop.


  • It completely depends on individual. Everybody have freedom of choice.
  • The foreign remittances are very helpful for any country’s economy.
  • Many NRIs are returning India and investing the money here, which is a plus for the economy.
  • Some people are going foreign for studies and after working for a few years, they are returning to India and serving the country.
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We should not compel anyone to be in their own country. It’s better if we make them realize that everyone must have will to serve their country and desire to see their country as developed. And the main solution for stopping the brain drain is providing opportunities for everyone in the country.

Your Turn…

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  1. Mukesh

    According to me brain drain can not be stopped because unemployment is a burning problem in our country and increase day by day brain drain provide job opportunities so brain drain cannot be stopped

  2. sonu singh

    It’s not only gov. duty it’s our duty also this is the better opportunity to serve our country.we should inspired by major dhyanchand hitler gave him better opportunity while playing hockey match with germany but he denied and play for our country.

  3. Saurav Suman

    If India give more money, more facilities to our talented people like DOCTERS, ENGINEERs SCIENTISTS,,, then they will not go to other countries.

  4. dene

    In india everyone know that the people having political power, there son and daughter or their relatives getting jobs where as they dont have such type of talent they are getting job just because they have power ,the person having talent but no political power they are not giving chance them thats why they are going outside

    • Ankit Pandey

      The cast-based reservation system is s a big factor that promotes brain drain because unskilled people getting jobs and promoted and skilled people ignored.

  5. abhay seth

    I think if Indian government give a more facilities in Indian talent people as like give more money according to our talent so any Indian should not go to foreign and as well as India is goes develop and increase and as for as I am concerned it is not posible.

    • Raja

      Its no matter to give more money because of at the time of study, government invest more money to develop their brain so they have nationality that they can serve our country so that serve our country money is no matter how much

  6. Jude Felix

    thanq u,,,these are very valuable points for my GD.


    In India, where ‘Moving to the USA’ is the ultimate nirvana of the smart and successful, it seems ludicrous to suggest that the tide is reversing. But in America, the number of educated immigrants relocating to their homeland is significantly increasing, capturing the attention of economic scientists and think tanks. They have even coined a term for it; ‘Reverse Brain Drain’.

    Read More:

  8. bhavana reddy

    convencing conclusion

  9. Anonymous

    thanx for ur points it may uesful for my abi………

  10. Anonymous

    excellent conclusion………good job

  11. shishir

    it's good thing but if you could add some fact about brain drain then it would be more beneficial.

  12. Anonymous

    It is really helpful for freshers… Thankyou

  13. Anonymous

    thank u so much it s very helpful……..

  14. Anonymous

    Thank you for your valuable information. It is very simple and easily understandable.

  15. Anonymous

    thank you man for u efforts and contributions :-)

  16. Anonymous

    it is very useful for freshers in group discussion process.thank u………..and go on writing

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