Unemployment in India

unemployment India

Causes :-

  • Machines are replacing humans. Automation is causing loss of jobs.
  • In India, still many people are not able to afford education, and are forced to live unemployed.
  • Our education system is not uniform throughout the country. Quality education is still a dream to many. Because of this, many do not have enough skills to compete in the job market.
  • Even in this 21st century, some families in India do not allow women to work, and hence there is so much unemployent in Indian women.
  • India ranking second in terms of population with 6 million and still counting people, this problem becomes increasingly serious and hopeless. Providing jobs to this much population is not that easy. Where the government is trying its best to shorten the gap, it becomes worse with the rate of growth of population.


  • Increase in unemployment is directly proportional to the rate of growth in the economy of any country. With such enormous number of unemployed people,
  • With less money in their pockets, people are restricted to change and upgrade their lifestyle and get in sync with the outside world today. This is causing low standards of living.
  • Now that people either don’t have jobs or are poorly paid, in order to meet the demands of daily routine, weak people tend to fall into the trap of illegal jobs and commit criminal offences for money. This is causing robberies, kidnaps, murders, drug trade etc.
  • Along with the middle-class family standard gradually moving towards the high-class society, the poor society in moving in the opposite direction which is eventually pulling them below the poverty line. Gap between the rich and poor is widening.

Steps taken by Indian Government:-

  • Skill India initiative was launched to train youth for the jobs in demand, and hence bridging the gap of lack of skilled professionals and unemployment.
  • Integrated Rural Development Program: IRDP was launched in 1979 to supply more jobs for the rural people. This program brought employment in the areas of agriculture, fisheries, road constructions etc benefitting 182 lakh families and thus became very known.
  • Drone Prone Area Program: DPAP was launched in those areas struck with drought for quite some time. This was introduced for the prime reason to delete seasonal employment from the society.Approximately 474 crores were spent on this plan.
  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana: This became very popular in the year of 1989 with the sole objective of providing employment to minimum one member in the family which led to an immediate shoot up in the employment rate.
  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana: This also emerged in the year of 1989 with a new idea of introducing three schemes.These schemes included small jobs for poor urban people, employment to cities having the lowest score in terms of daily wage.
  • Employment Assurance Scheme: This scheme aimed at providing jobs in 1752 backward class blocks in various cities like West Bengal, Kerala, and Rajasthan.
  • Swaran Jayanti Rojgar Yojana: In addition to the Nehru Yojana, this aims at eradicating unemployment in urban areas by offering wage employment by spending 125 crores on this plan.
  • Make In India: This was an initiative planned by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi generating employment especially in manufacturing industries and boycotting foreign made goods.
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What Still Needs To Be Done:-

  • The steps taken by the government till now have been successful in providing jobs but most of them are temporary. People now demand permanent employment giving them job security.
  • Still 22% of Indian population lives below the poverty limit. This strongly discourages India to move forward in the struggle of becoming one of the developed countries.
  • In order to make people have a good living, they must acquire a proper education, this being their basic rights. (Right to Education).  Literacy levels should be improved.
  • More jobs should be created in corporate sector. For those who have the required skills yet find it hard to get employed and have a decent job, overpopulation of India is making it even more hard with such limited job opportunities.

Best Practises Worldwide:-

  • Active Labour Market Policy ( ALMP ) – This policy is followed worldwide which focusses on two important issues. The first one is to secure the job losers and provide long-term employment to such people. Secondly, it extends help to job-searchers and helps them support their families financially.
  • Express Global Employment Solution: Companies from IT sector and international PEO сompanies were given a target deadline to hold recruitment procedure for various kinds of job profiles in order to boost the rate of employment and a total of 150 countries around the planet.
  • International Labour Day: This is also known as Workers day celebrated every year on 1st of May. This day honors each and every labor and working class by giving them a day off their work. An initiative which shows how much we respect how labors and without them our lives are incomplete.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: In response to the Great Recession in the year 2009, President Obama passed this act with the aim to rebuild the entire structure of America by saving the existing jobs and creating new ones.
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With startup boom and globalization, situations have improved a lot for youth. They are now able to create jobs instead of seeking. But still there is so much gap in skills among youth. Many are not able to get jobs and are slipping into depression. New immigration policies of developed countries are adding fuel to the fire. Bridging the skills gap and investing more on creating jobs will solve the problem.

Afterwords:- What is your opinion on this topic? Express your thoughts in the comment section below. Subscribe to our blog to get new topics delivered to your mail.

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  1. Rohini Ganorkar

    The main reason of unemployment is population of our India. The population of India is increase day by day as compare the increment in job.people are well educated but they do not get job according to their skills, experience and knowledge.due to that many youngsters are unemployed. In our India poorer become more poor and richer become more rich. poor people can not give education to their child in NIT and IIT institute. and for job our education quality,skill and knowledge matter.Many people are
    take education but they don’t have skill. This is also another example of unemployment.

  2. Tinku Paul

    According to me first of all India’s population is very high and day by day it is increasing but jobs are not increasing in comparison with population. Secondly in village area many people living below the poverty line, they can’t afford their children for proper education I e they are not able to compete with the metro cities people. Nowadays most of the work places replace the computer instead of human I e employees are getting less , according to me at least 3:1 and as well as industry sectors owners have desire to use modern machinery to get the more production I e more employees not required as we as all the people they are not able to handle modern machine , their forced to leave the job. Those are small business man they are not able to run their business because of shopping mall, people go to the big outlet and online purchasebecause of they get discount and they don’t need to carry their material I e small business man they are not able to complete. In India economy is not very strong I e most of places many posts are vacant but no recruitment, peoples are getting retired but posts are vacant.so unemployment is increasing day by day.

    • Nitin Nihar TRIPATHY

      Yes I m appreciate with you. India has 6 type of unemployment. 1-seasonal unemployment (they are employed in season, either it is rainy or winter or summer & another time they are unemployed. 2-open unemployment ( they educated but they don’t find work). 3-structural unemployment ( country has more vacancy in job but it’s not sufficient to provide job to people).4-under employment( A man is under employment but his productive capability is not sufficient for him.5-distinguished unemployment ( if a person does not contribute to his work and doesn’t wants to do any work).6-Frictional unemployment (this unemployment generate due to change market conditions)
      Overally if govt take effective step on these cause then after country can refuse his unemployment.

  3. Nitin Nihar Tripathy

    In upcoming few years there wont have to do some work. Because we have two causes 1- most of people are unemployed 2-our nation may to improve in technological sector. Our govt provide many free skills to people & this is big reason for unemployment grow in our country & 2nd is many smart technology developed in our country in few years after that smart technology may replaced the human. It’s indirectly the cause of unemployment.

  4. Durgesh Kumar Yadav

    This is going to be the age of Fourth Industrial Revolution. And it will be completely driven by modern technologies such AI, Blockchain, IoT, Big data etc. These technologies are threatening almost every sector, robots are outsmarting humans even in the field of judicial matters. They are performing precision surgery without any error and replacing doctors. So all these are reminders to be aware and take proactive measures to address the issue. Situation is already grim with respect to employment in India, these technologies are going to exacerbate it further. According to Qualcomm, in 2035, when 5G will be fully operational will produce goods and services worth $12.3 trillion. Of course jobs are going to be created but they will require high specialization in these technologies. Almost every sector from retail to education, transportation to entertainment and everything in between is going to be digitized and will be driven by these buzz words. So what needs to be done?
    There are various steps taken by the government in this regard, NITI Ayog’s recent push for AI and Blockchain technology implementation to curb drug menace are welcome steps. But the question is– will this suffice? Taking cognizance of the pace at which things are taking place there is need of more speedy implementation and execution of schemes. Indian startups must take the responsibility of solving indigenous problems in consonance with government and academia. These are some nuances regarding this but it’s much bigger issue which requires Big Data Analysis.

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