
  • In August 2021, the Taliban took over Afghanistan.

Taliban rule in Afghanistan – Impact on India:

  • India has invested more than $3 billion in Afghanistan through Infrastructure projects such as schools, highways, dams etc. As there is uncertainty about the future of Indo-Afghanistan relations, there are fears about the future of these projects.
  • China and Pakistan may now have more influence in Afghanistan as both the countries have indirectly accepted the Taliban regime in the country. This may lead to deteriorating relations between India and Afghanistan.
  • There is uncertainty about the future of trade relations between India and Afghanistan.
  • Some political analysts are expressing their worries that Afghanistan may become a safe haven for terrorists. If that happens, India and also the other world countries are at threat.


There is uncertainty about the future of Indo-Afghanistan relations as India has not yet announced its stance on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. This means there is uncertainty in the Indo-Afghan trade relations and also about India’s strategic investments in Afghanistan.

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