Should Water Resources Be Nationalized?



  • At present, all rivers and lakes in India are in the authority of respective state government.
  • In some areas floods are occurring and in some areas droughts occurring. If we connect all the rivers these problems will be solved. So, India is planning to nationalize water resources.
  • Well planned architecture is needed to connect all this rivers.
  • To nationalize water resources, every state have to agree for the proposal.

In Favor:-

  • Flood and drought conditions will be prevented.
  • Some fertile lands are wasting because of lack of water facility.
  • Water have been moving to the sea. By connecting the rivers, we can redirect to dry places.
  • As there is the difference in height of lands, we can generate power in this project if we plan to do so
  • Many will get employment during the project and also after completion of the project for maintaining purpose.
  • We can avoid the fights between states.

In Against:-

  • In some areas, industrial waste have been disposing in rivers. This polluted water will spread all over the country.
  • It requires lakhs of acres of land.
  • There is a argument in against to this proposal that instead of nationalizing all the rivers, we should make people aware of water saving methods such as preserving the rain water etc.


Water resources should be nationalized to solve all water problems in India. It’s better if we plan the path through barren lands. So that, there will be no wastage of fertile lands. Govt. should take necessary steps to stop the dumping of industrial wastage in rivers.

Your Turn :- What are your thoughts on this topic? Feel free to express your opinion in the comment section below.

Also Read :  INS Vikrant

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. Mungkhan Lungphi

    Yes, we need to nationalised water resources, because lots of people are facing water problem in our country, not only india but there are others countries also facing the same problem, with that issue we need to make awareness on precious drop of water, these thing can be possible by conducting awareness program, for that govt should initiate the needful.

  2. Pk

    I am also in favor of nationalization of water resources. This should be implement in India. There are many regions where huge quantity of water available. In such regions people even waste the water because they are not aware of water scarcity problems. On the other hand in many regions people suffering from water scarcity. In this condition it is very good proposal.


    Yes this was very good proposal, a good action was taken by the govt because Agriculture many depandnce on water, because most of the farmers in the india failed due to rain. Farmers grown good crop it was at final stage to harvest in that situation drought will occur, this was the pathatic condition to farmers. Farmers are sowed the seeds , they are waiting for emerging of seeds but rain not come, in that drought occurs, so if we solving this problem we can do only one waa nationalizing water resources, but it consume more land so we use barren land for doing this project.
    Thank you…….

  4. divya

    its nice proposal, government should approve this proposal.this will help in the sustainable development of society and country as well.this proposal will helpful in giving the job opportunity and also helps in the enhancement of agriculture productivity.and those parts of India which are deprived of water can avail water resource without any state government water resource must be nationalized.

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