In Favor :-

  • Many people are in need of organ replacement surgeries to survive. There is a shortage of organ donors. Hence compulsory organ donation after death can ensure that no one will die due to the non-availability of healthy organs.
  • Many people are being kidnapped for organs. Illegal human organ trafficking is in almost every country. Some poor people are selling organs. All these things are consequences of organs shortage.
  • If organ donation is made compulsory, the surplus organs can be used for research purposes. As a result, it will be easier to find cure for many diseases.
  • Society gives us so much since our birth. It’s our responsibility to give back to society, and organ donation is one of the easiest things to do, as dead bodies do not feel pain.
  • Opponents of this stance argue that religious sentiments should be respected. But on contrary to that all religions encourage their followers to help others.

Against :-

  • Forcing someone to be an organ donor is not ethical. Their consent should be respected. It’s their body and their choice. Everyone should have freedom to take decision about what happens to their body after their death.
  • Some people have faith that dead body should be buried as it as. It is the society’s responsibility to respect people’s faith.
  • Even if the organ donation is made compulsory, there is no guarantee that the organs will save someone’s life. Over supply may result in the wastage of some organs.
  • We do not have enough infrastructure to store the organs. If everyone is an organ donor, it may become a burden on government to store all the organs and government may not allocate that much money for this purpose. In this case also, some organs may go waste.
  • Not all organ transplantation surgeries are successful. The body of recipient may reject the organ of the donor.
  • Organ recipients have to use expensive medicines to integrate the organ in the body. Only rich can afford that, and the poor will be the losers.

Conclusion :-

It’s a fact that there is a shortage of organ donors and many people are in need of organs. But forcing people to help others may not be ethical. So, it’s better to make everyone as an organ donor by default and giving them right to object to the donation can keep everyone at peace.

Also Read :  Joint family vs Nuclear family

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