Economic GD Topics International GD Topics

India-UAE relations

  • India and UAE have built a strong connection over time, and it includes things like their shared history, culture, and economy. As they both deal with the challenges of today’s world, their partnership has gotten stronger and brought new
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics Environment GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Green Growth

  • In the quest for economic growth, countries have long relied on natural resources, which has led to environmental degradation and climate change. Green growth, however, offers an alternative approach that seeks to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability. Green
adventure tourism
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Adventure Tourism

What is adventure tourism?
  • Adventure tourism is a type of tourism that involves activities that are challenging and often require physical hard work. It goes beyond traditional sightseeing or relaxation, focusing on providing thrilling and adventurous experiences to participants. It
3d printing
Current Affairs GD Topics Science GD Topics Technology GD Topics

3D printing

What is 3D printing?
  • 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It involves building the object layer by layer using materials such as plastics, metals, and ceramics. The process
one person can make a difference
Abstract GD Topics

One person can make a difference

Points to speak on the topic – ‘One person can make a difference’:
  • There are so many real-life examples where one person made a difference. For example, Hungarian physician and scientist, Ignaz Semmelweis invented the concept of handwashing in the