- COP26 – 26th United Nations climate change conference took place in Glasgow from 31 October -12 November 2021.
What is COP26:
- The Conference of Parties (COP) conducts a meeting every year starting from 1995. The parties refer to 197 countries that agreed to the new environmental deal,1992. The COP is the decision making body of the United Nations framework convention on Climate change.
- Every year the countries meet to discuss climate goals and the action to be taken. In 2021, the 26th meeting of COP took place in Glasgow, Scotland. Hence it is also called as Glasgow climate pact.
Goals of COP26:
- The main aim of COP26 is to encourage countries to take action to achieve global net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- Protecting communities and natural habitats by restoring ecosystems.
- Mobilize at least $100bn in climate finance per year.
- Work together to complete the Paris rule book.
What could COP26 achieve:
- Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century (2050) was discussed. It will help in limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
- It is very important to adapt to the climate impacts. After COP26, work on the global goal of adoption was started. This will strengthen global efforts towards resilience.
- More than 40 countries have agreed to phase out coal-based power by transitioning to renewable energy resources.
- More than 100 countries agreed to cut emissions of methane, one of the greenhouse gases by 2030.
- 12 developed countries pledged new funding to help the least developed countries in achieving their climate goals.
What was missed:
- The previous climate goals were not achieved by many countries, especially the developed countries. No discussion on accountability has happened.
At COP26, achieving net-zero emissions was discussed and agreement took place. Work on global goal on adoption was also started. Moreover, developed countries pledged new funding for least developed countries.
Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels
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It’s a very good opportunity for the countries to take part in it and missed point about accountability should be discussed in further meetings.