Why Indian PSUs are in losses
Economic GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Why Indian PSUs are in losses?

Reports of PSUs in losses have been lingering from a decade. An increasing number of PSUs, even the highly profitable ones, have run into debts and losses. There are some general reasons and some specific blunders committed by the Indian…
fixed pay vs variable pay
Economic GD Topics

Fixed pay vs Variable pay

Fixed pay is the fixed amount of salary that an employee gets at the end of the month whereas Variable pay is the incentive paid to the employee, monetary or non-monetary, based on their performance for the month. The ratio…
Air India gd topic
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

How to lessen losses of Air India?

Theme :-
  • Air India has been making losses over the past decade.
  • In 2018, Indian government tried to privatise Air India, but no one was interested in buying it.
Background :-
  • Air India was founded by JRD Tata in 1946.
Economic GD Topics

Is Stock Market similar to gambling?

The answer is both Yes and No for this question. But the answers are applicable to different people. First and foremost, Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome, with the…
knowledge economy gd topic
Education GD Topics Economic GD Topics

Knowledge based economy is important to achieve the economic boom of India

What is knowledge-based economy? The knowledge-based economy or knowledge economy is a system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital. In a knowledge economy, a significant part of a company’s value may consist of intangible assets such…