Blood is thicker than water – Abstract GD topic

Blood is thicker than water

This is an old proverb that has deviated from its original meaning and now implicates that blood relations (family) are powerful than friendships or love relations. Now, this might be true for a certain number of people, but it is not true always. Naturally, our parents and siblings want to see us happy in our lives and they always try to think the best for ourselves. But from here only some of the problems start. Every person is different, they have their own likes and dislikes, own interests and they may be completely independent of that of their parents.

Let us now discuss the original meaning of the proverb:

The original saying was first used in the Bible as “Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” Without going into intricacies, it simply means that bloodshed on the battlefield creates stronger ties than the water of the womb does, or family ties. And this proverb is 100% true. When one fights alongside someone, he/she trust him/her with their life. These are the kinds of bonds developed on the battlefield. One has seen some of the worst phases of life and shared them with another person. This develops a very high level of brotherhood and comradery. The bonds are so strong that they unhesitatingly sacrifice their lives for saving the lives of their brothers.

Photo by Sourav Mishra from Pexels

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    I negate that ‘Blood is thicker than water’. In context of society and our social circles, blood relations may prove to be actually less fruitful than a healthy, humble relation to a friend, acquaintance and even a stranger. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Family relationships are bound by blood, not by choice but on the contrary there exists freedom of choice based on experiences, when it comes to such relationships connected by quenching the thirst of the one in need, by maybe even a stranger, whose kinship becomes larger than relationships bound by blood.
    So, water may thin the blood but blood cannot impure the sanctity of water.

  2. Kefri

    My opinion, there are different type of man kind a particular society. Yes in many cases, relative especially your blood will help in most times but some may so ignorance. A Scenario, if a person in community is being selected to studies abroad and he/she is behind the deadline for fee and no one from his/her family are turning up to pay for the fee, then a someone out from his family is paying all his fee.
    All of a sudden, the person going for studies is fall in that person help, he love him more than his/her family..
    Therefore, i would say that blood is thicker than water is 50% exist in our society and is true while another 50% come from some one stranger become srelative or blood after sharing needs👏

  3. Tinku Paul

    According to me Blood is thicker than water it’s proverb but in our personal life we see blood relation is very important than friend relation or love relation . Every parents have desire their children will take education and they will get very good job will get good remuneration I e they have desire . Every person have different like and dislike, different opinion , parents have desire different stream but child has different aspiration I e they have always tussle, controversy. Every parents have desire their children will get married in a orthodox family arrange marriage but childrens have different desire . People whole life suffer but they are not able to leave each other . If they have any problem one side , other side has to rush and take care of them. May be they don’t want to accept each other but there is any problem nobody sit silence , they have to solve the problem so blood is thicker than water.

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