India is a fast developing country. Despite this, people at the bottom are not benefiting of it. In your view, what is the reason behind it?

lack of inclusive growth

India is a fast developing country. despite this, the people at bottom are not benefiting of it. In your view, what is the reason behind it ?

a) Governance
b) Capitalism
c) Population

Capitalism :-

Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. It is an economic practice through which educated, talented, innovative and hardworking people make fortune. Post 1991 Capitalism has boosted Indian economy. Entrepreneurs, along with, managing their business globally, have created millions of jobs. Countries like USA, China, Germany, Japan etc. are all capitalists and all of them have a higher living standard than us. It will be unfair to assume that everyone is born equal in terms of mental ability, intellectuality and creative abilities. Capitalism gives fair chance and fair returns to anyone who is capable and is ready to work hard. Though capitalism leads to economic disparity to some extent as the rich have better resources and power, which they use to further improve their income/business but it will be wrong to blame capitalism for the problems of India’s downtrodden.

Population :-

India has a lot many problems due to its high population. But it also is not the reason for economic disparities in the country. Instead of taking population as a whole, population density is a better measure as India is the seventh largest country too in terms of area and larger the area, more the resources a country has. There are countries with higher population density than ours like China, South Korea, Singapore and they are doing better than us. Countries like Bangladesh, Palestine etc., which also have population density higher than India but it won’t be fair to compare ourselves with them given the resources we have.

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Governance :-

Here lies the main problem. Inaccessibility to proper health and education infrastructure, lack of nutritious food for everyone, failure in removing reservations and caste system from the society, lack of jobs, poor attempts in bringing people from the lowest economic strata to mainstream are the main reasons that the people at bottom are not benefiting from the high growth rate India has. It is the natural tendency of our leaders to put politics before economics always. Till the time India doesn’t overcome the above mentioned issues, economic disparity is bound to increase.

Conclusion :-

Failure in the field of governance has led to incompetency of our nation at all levels to make the best use of Capitalism and abundant human resource India has.

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Image by Nithi Anand via Flickr under CC 2.0

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    Poor and Selfish Citizens:

    So India being the developed nation centuries back has now became a developing country and the main reason is the ignorance of its own Citizens. People keeps on blaming the government for the poor growth in economy. Economy is one of the reason for the development not the only reason. Those who complains the government for handing over the resources to corporate works under corporate. Taking all the pressure themselves and getting paid very less for the work they do and complaining about the increase in the prices. With internet providing all the information with minimal expenditure why Indians prefer joining there children in School which is costing them lakhs and putting more pressure on the kids right from the grade 1? People need to be more careful about themselves. It’s okay if your neighbor join their kid in CBSE, No need to join your kid in the same school, join your kids in a normal school, teach them life lessons, teach what’s there to be thought, what’s the use of learning abacus if you’re having a calculator, what’s the use of learning math if your kid is good at science ? There are plenty of topics to be discussed. Talking to a opposite gender is still seen as a crime in villages. Teach kids the importance of communication. If your kid is good at that something make sure that they gain knowledge and move to the next level. It’s okay to be a good runner. Why education is must for participating in a marathon? People are making education a business. It’s okay if people are don’t get a proper residence. But each and every person need to be educated. Not from the books but educated about the world happenings. Provide free education to all the kids, what corporate is doing with India’s education. Give all the children the same education.

  2. Tinku Paul

    According to me India is the fast developing country . Yes India is the fast developing country but inspite of that poor does not get the benefit because of they don’t have proper education, without education people cannot develop themselves. Pooe people even they don’t get proper healthcare facilities because they don’t know where they will go and to whom can contact. Many places are there , there is no proper transportation. Poor people they stay in unhygienic area because of high population
    and space crunch and children’s are suffering from malnutrition. Politicians comes at the time of election

    give some false promises may be that time give some money or some food items but after election they won and Don’t come back the own constituency . Even people will not be able to meet them when they are in acute crisis. Who will take care of the poor. According to me nobody will take care of the poor and under priviledge people so year after year they have to suffer and don’t get any benefits. It’s their destiny. May be very few peoples can change their destiny.

  3. Sahil Panwar

    Well explained but according to my point of view, peoples at the bottom are seems some time very greedy. They sell thier vote just for some ruppess and fake promises. They usually choose that leader who has already been indulsed into illegal issues. Some time peoples vote as according to caste. They thinks that if the leader from their caste comes into power they got benefits but it is only into their dreams. Thus, this may be the reason behind peoples from bottem not get benefits.

  4. Satyamsahu

    I like but ,, increase our matter to 1000-2000words , this is so low

    • Team GD Ideas

      Thank you for the suggestion Satyamsahu. We’ll try to follow that.

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