Do deadlines destroy creativity?

do deadlines destroy creativity

Yes – Deadlines destroy creativity:

  • Deadlines will force us to focus on finishing the task at hand rather than coming up with creative ideas.
  • Continuously chasing deadlines can make us emotionally exhausted. Hence there will be no motivation to be creative.
  • Even if we get creative ideas, implementing them requires more time and analysis. With a short deadline, that will be difficult and hence people will go for routine and already worked out ideas.
  • Everyone is different. Some people can be creative under pressure, and some people will bring innovative ideas, only if they are not under pressure. So, giving tight deadlines to those, who cannot cope up with pressure can destroy creativity.

No – Deadlines motivate us to be creative:

  • If there are no deadlines, people may keep postponing the task in search of a better creative idea.
  • If we get used to being creative, we will be creative even if we have deadlines. Thinking and implementing creative ideas can become a habit.
  • With no deadline, we’ll have plenty of time, so we may also think about why the idea won’t work, the possibility of failure. This can indeed kill creativity.

How to be creative under pressure:

  • Dividing the task into sub-tasks and keeping small deadlines will reduce the pressure and can give us peace to think about innovative ideas. If we delay the work until the last minute, we cannot think about new ideas.
  • Setting some time aside to think about creative ideas also helps.
  • Eliminating distractions will give us more time to finish the task, and thereby we can use that time to try and implement new ideas.
  • Mistakes do happen if we try something new. So, not being scared of failing and making mistakes can help us in being creative.
  • Taking tiny breaks can reboot our brain and can help us in thinking clearly.
Also Read :  Peer pressure


Not everyone can manage to be creative under pressure. Tough deadlines can kill creativity. But reasonable deadlines can spur creative ideas.

Your Turn…

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Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.


  1. Priya

    Dead lines are to be needed ..Because one can be lazy and postpone the work if there is no end date of the work submission.If the dead line is provided one can actively think about the work without deviation ..In some aspects we can think creatively in tough conditions ..

  2. sanskriti

    deadline is important because
    in this, way
    we get under a lot of underpressures so our creativity gets
    blur and our bright future get on the darker side.
    so its good to take some time for showing your creative
    and perform well

  3. khalequeuddin ahmed

    Actually deadlines destroy creativity but schools must give deadlines cause not all students are sincere. So according to me proper deadlines should be given, not too long nor short. But if a student fails to submit but have a proper reason for that , teachers should give them another chance .

  4. Tinku paul

    According to me deadlines destroy creativity. If I get sufficient time for any work I can give my efforts and complete the work and review it so there will be no mistake but when I have deadline within specific time I have to complete the work though I give my full efforts but I have to do it hurriedly so may be sometimes ignore something and maybe make mistakes also .

    • khalequeuddin ahmed

      same with me but i often manage to do my best even in less time.

  5. Mandeep Singh

    A shorter deadlines can destroy the creativity wheras reasonable deadline make us creative . We should divide the time into sub tasks those are more important do it first and then less important.

  6. Vishal Anand

    A shorter deadline destroys the creativity whereas reasonable deadlines help persons to be creative. Reasonable Deadlines helps to keep a check on quality of work with relation to time factor.

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