Confidence vs Knowledge

confidence vs knowledge

Points to speak for the topic ‘Confidence vs Knowledge’:

  • Knowledge is essential to understand and solve problems. Confidence is necessary to take opportunities and to put the knowledge to use. So, both knowledge and confidence are important to achieve success.
  • When we have knowledge, we feel confident. More knowledge often increases confidence.
  • Knowledge alone may not give us success. Even if we have expertise, lack of confidence results in not utilising the knowledge, and hence wastage of resources.
  • Similarly, confidence without knowledge is not helpful in many circumstances. Sometimes, overconfidence without having the appropriate knowledge results in negative consequences.
  • Confidence alone is not sufficient to maintain success. To sustain the success in any field, one must work hard to gain and update the required knowledge.
  • But in some situations, confidence saves us even if we have no knowledge. For example, in group discussions, if we are confident enough we can understand what other participants are saying and we can manage to form new related points. If we are not confident enough and if we feel panicked, we cannot do so.
  • Sometimes more knowledge creates confusion and self-doubt. At that point, confidence helps in taking risks and in trying new things.
  • Most of the successful people are confident people or at least they fake confidence to overcome self-doubt. They work hard to increase their knowledge to maintain the level of confidence.


Both confidence and knowledge are essential to achieve success. However, the importance of each varies depending on the situation.

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Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

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  1. Beduduri Bhavitha

    One should learn and practice more to gain knowledge of the subject.if he gain a knowledge automatically confidence develops becoz he knows the subject simultaneously both knowledge and confidence plays a key role in success but overconfidence kills ur success.

  2. Geeta kumari

    Knowledge and confidence go hand in hand . If a person is knowledgeable will definitely be confident. Believing in oneself is also necessary since it makes one confident.

    • Anuj pandey

      Knowledge and confidence both are compliment to each other. Everyone has a aim in their life if they want to reached at the point of their success. They must take Knowledge about it and when he/she has a Knowledge then he/she feels a confidence and take decision very quickly on every way of his/her life.

  3. Nsivaramakrishna Krishna

    Yes I will Jain group discussion with my self topic prestant sation

  4. Aayushi Mahna

    There is a popular saying which goes like fake it till you make it…. It is very essential to have self-confidence to survive in society as it helps you overcome situations where you might not have proper knowledge regarding the subject. But having knowledge along with confidence ticks all the boxes and helps you thrive in situation wher you use your intellect to solve problems and your confidence to speak your mind.

  5. Yolanda Powell

    I believe that learning alot about a certain subject will give you more confidence. Also study alot so that you don’t forget your words to prevent from stumbling through the conversation.

  6. P. Kolandasamy, KMGIPSR, Puducherry

    Even if a person is a knowledgeable ,he also should be brave enough. So self confidence is important. One can strengthen his SC by practice and learning from failures. Preparation is a good practice. Meditation may also helpful.

  7. Amit kumar

    Thanks for doing this so fast

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