China-Taiwan crisis

China-Taiwan crisis


  • In April 2023, China conducted large-scale military drills for three days around Taiwan as a response to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with United States House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Earlier, in August 2022, China conducted similar exercises after the then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

China-Taiwan conflict:

  • China and Taiwan split after the civil war in 1949. Taiwan views itself as a separate country and has elected government for years now with a functional military and flourishing international trade around the world, while China has been adamant about Taiwan being its part under the ‘One China Policy’ which stresses that Taiwan has been and is a part of mainland China.
  • Both entities are situated in Asia and hold strategic significance for the entire world with respect to security, trade as well as the environment. Taiwan is separated from China by the Taiwan Strait in the pacific ocean.
  • Even though the US does not have official relations with Taiwan, it provides military-grade weapons and drones to Taiwan. China said that it violates US’s agreement to the one-China Policy and the support from the US to Taiwan is a threat to the integrity of the PRC.
  • In August 2022, China conducted military exercises near Taiwan after the then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. In April 2023, China conducted similar drills for three days around Taiwan as a response to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with United States House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
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Possible consequences on the global economy:

  • The Russia-Ukraine war affected the global economy and resulted in a global economic slowdown. If China tries to block Taiwan, it would cost $2 trillion to the global economy as per the Rhodium Group, an economic consultancy. Taiwan holds great significance in the international trade and security arena. It harbours some major Asian seaports like the Kaohsiung Port, which is one of the most important ports in the world for container handling facilities. And Over 60% of the world’s semiconductors and more than 90% of the world’s most advanced semiconductors are manufactured in Taiwan. Moreover, the possible sanctions on China by the rest of the world to defend Taiwan will result in a further negative impact on the global economy.
Also Read :  AUKUS

Way forward:

  • Military conflicts can result in the loss of lives, massive displacement of people, human rights violations and negative impact on the global economy.  Hence the world must unite to establish peace between Taiwan and China.


Taiwan designates itself as a sovereign state and has elected government for years now with a functional military and flourishing international trade around the world, while China has been adamant about Taiwan being its part under the ‘One China Policy’ which stresses that Taiwan has been and is a part of mainland China. The recent military drills of China around Taiwan are making the world tense. World leaders must unite to establish peace between Taiwan and China.

Photo by Jerry LIANG

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